Everyone enjoys beautiful blue animals regardless of the size or shape they are in. However, what differentiates one species from the other is its own distinct characteristics.
Some may increase their capacity to move around or adjust to different climates and terrains. However, others have a distinct physical feature that differentiates them from their family.
However, the thing that attracts our eyes is their hue.
In nature the two most prevalent colours we can find are blue and green. The trees, the forest, and virtually every living plant on the planet is green, while the oceans and the sky tend to be blue.
Beautiful Blue Animals
Blue represents serenity and as beauty. There are also blue animals which are hidden from the public’s eyes.
The blue hue is due to the pigmentation of their skin cells . It is also reflective and iridescent characteristics on their bodies, which contribute to this incredible phenomenon.
If you’re still not convinced that blue animals are real There are 25 gorgeous blue animals that are sure to amaze you by their amazing splendor:
1. Blue Poison Dart Frog

The species was first discovered in 1969. these frogs of a small size are only found in rainforests that are secluded located in Surinam, South America, and Northern Brazil.
The body size ranges from 1 and 1.5 inches. It weighs approximately 0.02 pounds.
Don’t be deceived by the attractiveness of their turquoise skin. It’s an indication of danger to keep prey away. Their shiny blue skin is a source of chemicals that can cause paralysis or even kill possible predators.
They don’t make the poisons by themselves, but through the consumption of highly toxic ants that live in their surroundings.
Blue Poison Dart frogs are classified as diurnal meaning they are active in daylight.
They typically breed between February and March . The female frogs can lay between five to ten eggs at one time.
2. Blue Whale

The Blue Whale is the largest creature on the planet, having a total length of up to 110 feet and a weight of as high as 330,000 pounds.
Blue whales are characterized by an enormous long, mottled blue-gray body. They are located in all oceans, excluding the icy regions that are found in Arctic oceans.
Though they’re among the largest animal, they’re not considered predators.
This is due to the majority of their diet is Krill (which is tiny shrimp-like creature). They consume about six tons of krill every day.
As mammals blue whales are females who give birth to massive calves, and they take care of them for approximately six months.
Blue whales are regarded as endangered species and are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
3. Chesapeake Blue Crab

Also also known as also known as the Atlantic Blue Crab The crustaceans that live in the bottom are abundant all along both the Atlantic as well as Gulf coasts, from Nova Scotia through the Gulf of Mexico and inside Uruguay.
They are between 8 and 4 inches. They weigh between 1 and 2 pounds. Chesapeake blue crabs are Chesapeake blue crabs are blue with sapphire-tinted claws, as well as a bluish to olive-green shell (carapace).
Female crabs that are fully mature are distinguished by the red markings or the highlights on the pincers’ tips.
The crabs can live between 3 and 5 years old. They are primarily fed on oysters, mussels as well as clams, dead fish, and various smaller crustaceans.
They are among the most well-known commercial and recreational fishing catches on the Chesapeake Bay.
4. Blue Tang Fish

Blue Tangs are found in crystal clear waters, coral and rock reefs within the oceans of Indo-Pacific.
These tiny fish measure between 4.7 to 9.84 inches and weigh approximately 1.6 pounds.
With their purple or blue oval body, and a white or yellow spine that runs along their caudal peduncle It’s pretty easy to recognize the species from afar.
Blue Tangs can live for between 20 and 30 years old and mostly consume marine plants and debris. They are also known as surgeonfish because of their spine that resembles a scalpel on the back of their bodies.
Stunning Blue Animals
The tail’s spines contain venom to protect their flies from attack. These fish are part of the most popular saltwater collections in aquariums but aren’t suitable to humans to consume.
Blue tangs are a common food item for people who are at risk of contracting serious foodborne diseases known as Ciguatera poisoning.
The cause of this poisoning is the large amount of dinoflagellates that reside in blue tangs’ bodies , which produce various types of poisons.
5. Cyanocitta Cristata

Often referred to in the United States as blue jays massive birds are indigenous to the Nearctic region. They can be located mostly in Canada as well as in the eastern part region of the Rocky Mountains.
Blue jays are easily identified by their loud call. They possess bright blue hues on their tails, wings and on the on their body’s top as well as their belly and chins are grayish-white. They sport legs, black bills, eyes, and feet.
Blue jays are omnivore birds. Their diet is composed of grains, seeds beechnuts and acorns fruits, vegetables snails, insects as well as frogs and small rodents.
Blue jays are females that usually lay between three to six eggs at a time.
The eggs are pale and greenish blue with scattered brown spots. The period of incubation for eggs typically ranges between 17-18 days.
6. Sinai Agama

Sinai Agama Also called Pseudotrapelus sinaitus is an agamid lizard which is found in the arid regions like Southern Libya, Israel, Sudan and Eastern Egypt, Saudi Arabia, as well as other Afrotropical areas.
Sinai Agamas are lizards of a small size with slim bodies measuring 3.94 inches long.
They have long legs, triangular heads and eyes placed close to on top of the heads.
In Arabic they are referred to as “qadi sina,” which translates to “the judge of sina’. The name is derived from the stance they adopt when they elevate themselves up on their limbs.
This natural process also keeps them safe from the hot surface or the rocks beneath them.
As they are diurnal in nature and active, they tend to be active in the morning.
Sinai Agama’s skin color changes to bright blue in mating season to draw potential mates. However, during the rest of the year their skins generally dull brown.
7. Indian Peafowl

Indian peafowls are huge birds found in Southern Asia.
Their natural habitats are generally wideleaved and shrouded forests. Also called peacocks, male Indian peafowls are known for their vibrant blue feathers and their large ornamental tails.
On contrary, female Indian peafowls also known as peahens are either cream or brown in colour and don’t have long tails like males.
The peafowl weighs between 6.8 to 13.2 pounds and have a wingspans of 55-63 inches.
Being polygamous Male Indian peafowls are able to mate with a variety of peahens during the breeding season.
They display their tails prior to mating to draw potential mating partners in “lek” sites. It is where a lot of birds gather to show off their stunning tails.
8. Common Blue Damselflies

From a distance, common blue damselflies could appear similar to the dragonflies, but they’re totally different.
Common blue damselflies possess smaller and slimmer bodies than dragonflies. They can be found every part of the world with the exception of the Arctic.
Male damselflies typically have blue bodies that have button markings and black spots beneath their wings.
Gorgeous Blue Animals
Female damselflies have dull or blue bodies with black spots as well as thesetle-like markings beneath their wings. They can reach 1.3 inches long.
Common blue damselflies are fond to fly and flutter around the lake, rivers, large lakes and canal banks, ponds and wooded areas that are shaded.
Carnivorous predators, they prey upon smaller insects such as mosquitoes, midges, flies, dragonflies, and butterflies.
9. Hyacinth Macaw

The most popular breed of all parrots. These blue parrots can be seen within Southern Brazil, Northeastern Paraguay as well as Eastern Bolivia.
Hyacinth macaws reach 40 inches long and weigh between 2.6 up 3.7 pounds.
They have blue-cobalt feathers, with vibrant yellow rings surrounding their eyes as well as a their beak. These birds can live to 50 years old and assist in spreading fruits or seeds they eat.
Hyacinth macaws’ habitat is mostly the palm swamps, woodlands and even open forest areas.
They can produce a variety of sounds, including deep guttural grunts, high trills and the loud screeching. They usually they eat fruit and vegetables, as well as different varieties of nuts, as well as seeds.
10. Grand Cayman Iguana

Also called Cyclura lewisi, Grand Cayman Iguanas are ground-based, blue reptiles weighing around 25 pounds and are 59.1 inches in length from the head down to their tail.
A single of the biggest lizards of the Western Hemisphere, these extremely endangered species are native to Grand Cayman. Island of Grand Cayman.
Blue iguanas can climb and are adept in digging. Male iguanas tend to be bigger than females and their skin colors range in shades of dark grey and turquoise blue.
They are characterized by stiff dorsal spines and a spineless dewlap and golden eyes that have red sclera.
With their sharp, sharp vision they can see any movement with clarity, but in dim lighting they can’t see as perfectly.
Blue Iguanas are herbivores. they feed primarily on flowers, leaves and fruit.
11. Carpathian Blue Slug

These huge terrestrial pulmonate gastropods have been thought to be native in the Carpathian Mountains of Eastern Europe.
Carpathian blue slugs first found in 1847 and can reach until 5.5 inches. Adult slugs come in various shades of color which range from navy and dark blue through bright turquoise.
When they’re young their bodies are colored yellowish-brown with dark bands along the lateral sides. They have only additional organs for copulation, and they lay 30 to 80 eggs each time.
12. Mountain Bluebird

Mountain bluebirds are located across Alaska, Canada, and most often on the West of the United States.
Male mountain bluebirds have vibrant turquoise blue feathers that have white underbelly. Females have gray feathers, blue tails, wings and a few shades of orange-brown on their chests.
In contrast to other bluebirds, they have short bills and wings that are longer.
They are Omnivores. Their diet is mostly composed of fruits, insects, seeds, and various edible plants.
Monogamous, male bluebirds can only have only one female bluebird one time. Female bluebirds choose their mating partner based on excellent nesting location, not physical characteristics.
13. Common Kingfisher

Common Kingfishers are also called by other names, such as The European Kingfisher, the Eurasian Kingfisher and the River Kingfisher.
The birds are found throughout the world, such as Europe, North Africa, Italy, Western Cape South Africa and Asia.
Common Kingfishers are around 7.5 inches, with an wide wingspan that is 2.95 inches. As with other kingfishers they have a large head, short tail and a long black bill.
They also sport bright orange and blue plumage with a chestnut underbelly, and vibrant yellow feet.
Their primary habitats are smooth, slow-flowing rivers mangroves, swamps, lakes creeks, and shaded ponds.
The common diet of kingfishers consists of crustaceans, fish, aquatic insects, as well as freshwater shrimps. They will always rest on the branches of trees near shallow water to hunt for food.
14. Blue Dacnis

Also called Dacnis cayanas and Turquoise honeycreepers. These tiny birds of the passerine can be located in a variety of locations, including Trinidad, Bolivia, northern Argentina, Nicaragua, Panama and throughout and around the South America range.
Male Dacnis birds sport a vivid turquoise, blue or lemon-colored body that is adorned with shoulders, a black tail and wing-bars, the throat and shoulders. Females can be identified by the striking green hues on their bodies as well as their blue heads.
The birds are about 5 inches and weigh approximately 0.03 pounds. They are blue Dacnis birds are often found in small groups.
They’ll be in the lowland canopy, edge forests, foothills as well as fields that have little trees.
The birds feed primarily on insects and fruits seeds, nectars, and seeds.
They are mates in spring and summer. Male Dacnis are able to lay anywhere between two and three greenish-whitish eggs inside their nest, which is positioned between 16 and 23 feet high above the ground.
15. Blue Morpho Butterfly

As one of the biggest butterflies on the planet, blue Morpho butterflies ( Morpho peleides) typically reside in forests of lowland and tropical forest within Central as well as South America.
However, they are also found across open spaces like trails, forest edges and even along rivers.
The most most distinctive physical characteristics is their Iridescent blue color on the upper side of their wings. They also have mysterious coloration on the undersides of their wings.
They sport clubbed antennas, and their wingspan is between 5 and 8 inches. This is double more than the size of other butterflies.
Adult Blue Morphos are classified as a frugivore This means they feed mostly on decaying or fruit.
They do not feed on nectars as other butterflies. However, occasionally, if there aren’t any decaying fruits in the area, they consume the syrup from Samanea trees.
16. Hypselodoris Infucata

The blue slugs are able to be seen in abundance across all of the coastal Indo-Pacific and Mediterranean oceans.
Hypselodoric infucatas are common to the shallow subtidal and intertidal zones on tropical reefs. They can grow to 2.17 inches long.
They have a dark blue body that has an unusual and intricate pattern of color that often resembles yellow or white pigmentations everywhere on their bodies. There are some odd black spots can be seen in the top of these spots.
Blue slugs are carnivores and mostly feed on sponges. Hypselodoris Infucatas are a hermaphrodite.
In the process of reproduction the eggs are laid on a substratum prior to their development to hatch into planktonic larvae. They then develop into adults.
17. Humphead Wrasse

Humphead Wrasses are massive reef fish that can reach up to seven feet tall and weigh in the vicinity of 425 pounds. They are also often referred to as The Maoris, Napolean Wrasses, and Cheilinus undulatus.
These fish that are endangered can be present in the Indo-Pacific waters starting beginning from East Africa to the central Pacific and all the way from southern Japan to Melanesia in addition to within areas of U.S. Pacific regions.
The wrasses sport big, full lips and a head forehump that gets bigger as they age.
Male wrasses can be found in various colors that range between bright blue purple green, dull blue-greenish, while females typically have a red-orange hue.
They can live for between 30 and 40 years old. They move throughout coral reefs, feeding on hard-shelled crustaceans, mollusks and starfish.
18. Linckia Laevigata

These blue starfishes can be widespread in waters of Indo-Pacific.
Linckia laevigatas are found in shallow reefs that are exposed to light and sunlight, on dead corals and rubbles from 0 to 196 feet in depth.
They are distinguished by the bright blue body with five cylinder arms and feet with yellow tubes.
The majority of blue pigments found in their skin are referred to as the linckiacyanin. There are also some yellow carotenoids that are found in random amounts.
Their diet is comprised of small invertebratesand detritus along with dead mammals.
They may be sexual and sexually asexual. If they reproduce asexually the asexual reproduction process will cause them to separate an arm from their central disc. The detached arm will develop into a new body, with four cylindrical arms.
However, when they sexually reproduce the process will be via a gonochoric process creating tiny embryos that develop into planktonic larvae after which they transform into pentamerous juveniles, and then develop into fully mature starfish.
19. Blue Glaucus

Blue Glaucus ( Glaucus Atlanticus) are tiny, blue sea slugs, which are found in across the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
They also have their other names, such as the blue dragon as well as the sea swallow.
The Glaucuses are approximately 1.18 inches long with thin ventral bands of pale blue and silvery gray markings on the dorsal aspect.
They feature black stripes across their heads slim body, as well as the appendages of six fingers.
Similar to other nudibranchs take in toxins and stinging cells of their prey into their skin, immediately safeguarding themselves from predators as well as poisonous prey.
Carnivores are thought to consume larger pelagic animals such as common purple snails blue snails and the venomous Portuguese Man O’War ( Physalia the physalis) that is an ocean drifter that looks like jellyfish.
20. Ulysses Butterfly

Also called Papillo Ulysses or the Blue Emperor, Ulysses butterflies are large swallowtail butterflies which can be located in a variety of areas including Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Solomon Islands.
Their wingspan could extend to 5.5 inches.
The microscopic structure of their wings or structural coloration gives the upper portion that their wings have with an iridescent blue and blackish-brown coloring is seen on the underside of their wings.
While you can see that the Ulysses caterpillars are both white and green.
These colors are used as camouflage to protect the wearer against predators.
Ulysses butterflies mostly feed on native red and pink flowers like Ixora, Halfordia kendack Ixora, Halfordia kendack, and Geijera species.
21. Bluestripe Garter Snake

Bluestripe garter snakes ( Thamnophis sirtalis) are natricine serpents that are found throughout North America.
They have different names including eastern garter snake, common garter snake and the Garter. Adult garter snakes range from 18 and 26 inches, and weigh approximately 0.33 pounds.
They sport a slim black, brown, blue or green body, with blue or light yellow stripes.
The garter snakes are not venomous. However, their bites could be dangerous and can cause severe discomfort. They generally aren’t in any way aggressive and should avoid contact with both animals and humans.
As they are diurnal animals, they are most active in the morning. They feed primarily on small lizards, frogs and salamanders as well as earthworms along with freshwater fish.
22. Mandarin Dragonet

Mandarin dragonets hail from Asia Pacific and are particularly found in the Ryukyu Islands up to Australia.
They can now be purchased worldwide at between $20 and $40. They are among the species that is appropriate for reef tanks.
Mandarin dragonets typically reach 3 inches in height.
They sport the bright to dark blue body with large eyes and spots of yellow on their heads and orange markings on their tails. With their huge pelvic fins they are swiftly moving through the water.
These creatures that are solitary live in lagoons and reefs that feed off small fish as well as crustaceans.
They release toxic mucus to guard themselves against predators.
23. Steelblue Ladybird
The cute and innocent beetles hail from Australia. Also called Halmus Chalybeus The first time they were brought to New Zealand in 1899 and 1905 to combat Blue gum scale as well as the black scale that afflicts citrus trees.
Steelblue ladybirds range from 0.1 up to 0.2 inch in height.
They sport a distinct dark metallic hue on their body’s rounded shape.
They feed on a variety of scale insects like red scale and cottony cushion scales wax scales, psyllids whiteflies and free-living gall mites and other insects that are smaller such as mealybugs and aphids.
Ladybirds laid eggs that are yellow, before hatching into larvae which then go through four stages of development to mature into adult ladybirds.
Both the larval and adult phases of ladybirds with steelblue have three legs.
24. Eurasian Blue Tit

Eurasian Blue Tits are tiny birds that are seen all over Europe.
They are usually found in woody parks, forests, gardens and hedges that are found in farms.
Blue Tits are approximately 4.72 inches in length, and have a the wide wingspan of 7.09 inches. They weigh about 0.36 pounds.
They have a blue nape yellow underparts, a blue crown, white faces with dark lines that run through their eyes and an uninteresting green back. They also have long dark bills and gray legs.
These birds eat seeds, fruits, small insects, and buds from various trees.
In winter The Blue Tits will flock together and occasionally fly along with other birds, searching for food sources.
25. Blue Dasher

Blue dermishers are among the most frequent dragonflies found throughout the United States. But they are native to the southern part of Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Bahamas, and Belize.
They measure approximately 1.75 inches in length and have various colors on their bodies including yellow, blue green, black and blue.
The blue male dashers look very different from females. Males generally have bright blue hues with black tips as well as yellow tiger-striped chests and blue or green eyes over their white face.
However, female blue dashers appear dull with yellow and brown-striped thoraces.
Blue Dashers dwell in the still waters of lakes, ponds, and slow-moving streams.
They feed on flying insects, and they can eat up to 30 mosquitoes each day.
Final Thoughts
Blue animals are certainly an amazing gift to us. This is due to the fact that they don’t naturally produce blue pigments, like the blue-colored plants that contain anthocyanins within their cells.
The color these animals sport is built into the genetics of their species. This alone makes them distinct and unique from all other animal.