300 Egyptian Cat Names That Are Superb

By Alberto Roy

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We actually love our cats. But if there were an all-time cat lovers championship, the prehistoric Egyptians would take home the gold. Cats were blessed in ancient Egypt, and many deities were portrayed as cats or as humans holding cats.

Mafdet, the goddess who slays serpents, has the head of a wild cat. Sekhmet, a warrior goddess, is depicted as an elegant short-haired lioness.

Bastet, the gentler cat-headed goddess of home and cats in common, is, of course, the mainly well-known of the feline-headed goddesses from the land of the Nile.

Egyptian Cats Names

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Always interested about cat names? We here have started to scratch the surface of Egyptian culture, current naming trends, and tales of ancient pharaohs to gather a list of cat names inspired by ancient and modern day Egypt.

Ancient Cats as per Egyptians

The cats of the Ancient Egyptians were adored by them. They loved cats more than they loved them. There have been many cat statues found in archeological sites that were once home to cats.

James Allen Baldwin, a scholar, says cats were first found in Egypt 5,000 years ago. They served many purposes, including protecting Egyptian homes from rodents and snakes, and hunting birds. But they eventually became god-like.

Egyptians considered cats sacred. Let’s face it, cat lovers are not any different today. It seems appropriate to honor them with a name that is inspired by Ancient Egypt.

So that you can honor your adopted kitten or cat with Egyptian names, we have compiled a list.

Egyptian History and Cats

Egypt is the clear winner when it comes to an affinity for cats in a culture. Egyptian writings and art from thousands of years ago show cats. The Egyptians are believed to be the first people to have domesticated cats.

Egyptians revere cats as they hunted and killed rats, mice, scorpions, and snakes in their granaries and homes. Cats were also responsible for killing vermin such as scorpions, snakes, and rats. Egyptians were also very fond of cats.

Drawings and art depict cats, while some Egyptian goddesses have cat-like heads. The cats were respected and protected. Anyone who killed or injured them would face severe consequences. Egypt still considers cats sacred and highly valued.

The rich history of Egypt and cats is a great inspiration for cat names. Egyptian cat names will be a great choice for your feline friend.

Top Egyptian Cat Names

Ancient Egyptian deities and mythological creatures serve as colorful inspiration for cat names. Here are just a few ideas:

    • Anhur (god of war)
    • Bastet (Egyptian goddess of motherhood; takes the form of a cat)
    • Geb (god of the Earth)
    • Horus (sky god; son of Osiris)
    • Isis (one of the most important Egyptian goddess; healer, protector of the dead, and goddess of good fortune, travel and the sea)
    • Osiris (Egyptian god known as the lord of the underworld and judge of the dead)
    • Sekhmet (Egyptian goddess of war and healing; takes the form of a lioness)
    • Seth (brother of Osiris)
    • Sphinx (mythological Egyptian creature with a lion’s body and human head)
    • Maat (goddess of harmony, justice and truth)
    • Mafdet (Egyptian goddess often depicted wearing a cat skin)
    • Mau (a divine cat who is an aspect of the sun god Ra)
    • Menhit (Egyptian goddess of war; takes the form of a lioness)
    • Mihos (son of Bastet; takes the form of a lion)
    • Mut (Egyptian mother goddess)
    • Nefertum (god of the lotus blossom)
    • Pakhet (“she who scratches,” lioness goddess of war)
    • Ptah (the god of creator; husband of Sekhmet)
    • Ra (also Re; Egyptian sun god)
    • Renenutet (cobra goddess, goddess of suckling, giver of secret birth names, protector of children)
    • Sekhmet (“powerful one,” lioness goddess of war and Ra’s daughter)
    • Sobek (crocodile god)
    • Thoth (Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom and the moon)

    An Egyptian name for a cat is appropriate if you have an Egyptian breed such as the Egyptian Mau or the hairless Sphynx. This name was chosen after the Great Sphinx of Giza.

    Egyptian Cats Names are an immense nod to several of civilization’s earliest and most renowned cat lovers. These are our top Egyptian cat names:

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    • Bahiti. (“fortune”)
    • Dalila. (“gentle”)
    • Eshe. (“life”)
    • Khonsu. (“the traveller”)
    • Amun. (“mystery”)
    • Jahi. (“dignified”)
    • Hypatia. (Egyptian female philosopher)
    • Alexandria. (city in Egypt)
    • Masud. (“lucky”)
    • Rashidi. (“wise”)
    • Habiba. (“loved”)
    • Kemnebi. (“panther”)
    • Kiwu. (“plump”)
    • Rasui. (“dreamer”)
    • Mayet. (“kitty” in Egyptian)
    • Miit. (“cat” in Egyptian)
    • Memphis. (capital city of ancient Egypt)
    • Sese. (“the vanquisher”)
    • Bes. (Feline-faced Egyptian god, protector of children)
    • Anubis. (Egyptian god of the underworld)

    Choosing Egyptian Cat Names

    Ready to choose your Egyptian Cat Names? This is a gigantic prospect to study about your new feline’s lineage and history.

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    And what a history!

    For instance, did you recognize the ancient Egyptians ruled over what is today the Mediterranean for nearly 30 centuries? That is a really, really long time!

    One of the Egyptians’ most long-term contributions to modern history was their yawning love for all things feline. In fact, one of their mainly celebrated deities, Bastet, was often depicted as a cat!

    As a cat lover, you perhaps understand the tendency.

    We hope you will believe this to be your Egyptian Cat Names focus. Have entertaining brainstorming names for your new kitty!

    Cute Egyptian Cat Names

    In the lists of Egyptian cat names here, you’ll convene all sorts of gods and goddesses, scholars, and warriors. Each left their mark on the culture of ancient Egypt. And modern history as well.

    You will also learn the meanings of many popular Egyptian names. Some may be familiar. Others will be completely new. But all of them are fascinating!

    This arrival of information may appear overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be!

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    Choosing a name should be an amusing exercise. Just scan through the lists of names below. Which names pop out at you? Jot those down in your journal or in your phone e-notepad app.

    Make certain to take your time. Think about what each name means to you.

    Then try out each name from your shortlist with your new kitty. Sooner or later, one name will “stick”. That may be your loved feline’s new awesome Egyptian Cat Name!

    How well do you know your cat? Discover the secret world of cats.

    Best Egyptian Cat Names

    These are 10 of the best Egyptian cat names. You may recognize some of them. A few are real characters from history. Others are mythical.

    Either way, they’re legendary! And, as cat names, they could be ideal.

    • Cleopatra. (famous Egyptian queen)
    • Nefertiti. (famous Egyptian queen)
    • Osiris. (famous ancient Egyptian god)
    • Plato. (famous Greek scholar who studied extensively in Egypt)
    • King Tutankhamen. (“King Tut,” famous Egyptian ruler)
    • Sphinx or Sphynx. (Egyptian mythological creature with lion body and human head)
    • Isis. (famous Egyptian deity and mother of Egyptian god Horus)
    • Bastet. (revered Egyptian goddess of motherhood who took a cat form)
    • Ramses. (famous Egyptian ruler)
    • Pharaoh. (term that means “Egyptian ruler”)

    Female Egyptian Cat Names

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    Do you want to name your Egyptian cat after her personality or color? This list could be a great resource.

    Remember, females in Egypt often had just as much power as males. That’s a popular fact that many today like about ancient Egyptians.

    Each authentically Egyptian female name is listed with its traditional meaning.

    • Monifa. (“lucky”)
    • Chione. (“daughter of the Nile”)
    • Aisha. (“peaceful”)
    • Ebonee. (the color black)
    • Sarah/Sara. (“princess”)
    • Feme. (“love”)
    • Lapis. (a beautiful blue gemstone favored by the ancient Egyptians)
    • Mandisa. (“sweet”)
    • Safiya. (“pure”)
    • Shani. (“wonderful”)
    • Nenet. (“divine”)
    • Salma. (“peace”)
    • Aya. (“magical angel”)
    • Heba. (“generous gift”)
    • Jomana. (“noble”)
    • Rana. (“beautiful”)
    • Aziza. (“precious”)

    Male Egyptian Cat Names

    In ancient Egypt, names were traditionally reflective of:

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    • family ties
    • personality traits
    • religious devotion
    • deities
    • birth order
    • other important aspects of the individual’s life.

    Often, much longer names were shortened into nicknames. Just try saying “Tutankhamen” five times fast, and you’ll see why!

    These traditional ancient Egyptian boy names might be a great fit for your new Egyptian cat’s temperament, appearance, or lineage.

    • Kahotep. (“peaceful”)
    • Khalid. (“immortal”)
    • Mkhai. (“fighter”)
    • Nomti. (“strong”)
    • Ammon. (“mystery”)
    • Akil. (“smart”)
    • Masudi. (“merry”)
    • Husani. (“handsome boy”)
    • Kamuzu. (“a healer”)
    • Masud. (“good fortune”)
    • Shakir. (“grateful”)
    • Sefu. (“sword”)
    • Nkosi. (“the law”)
    • Jabari. (“brave”)
    • Mshai. (“the wanderer”)
    • Nephi. (“good son”)
    • Asim. (“protector”)

    Cool Egyptian Cat Names

    There is an enduring myth that Egyptians worshipped cats (and an equally enduring legend that cats never forgot this).

    However, Egyptologists tell us the more accurate version varies. Citizens of this ancient civilization believed that each feline carried a bit of the divine inside them.

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    Did you know that thousands of research papers have been published on cat behavior and health? No time to read them all? Don’t worry – we’ve done it for you! And picked out the best bits!

    For this reason, they believed keeping company with cats afforded them great protection.

    This likely explains why so many recovered artifacts from this time period are cat-themed and cat-shaped!

    • MerNeith. (famous female Egyptian ruler)
    • Sobekneferu. (famous female Egyptian ruler)
    • Twosret. (famous female Egyptian ruler)
    • Kemet. (another name for Egypt)
    • Manetho. (ancient Egyptian priest)
    • Menes. (early Egyptian ruler)
    • Aten. (Egyptian word that means “sun disk”)
    • Imhotep. (famous ancient Egyptian philosopher)
    • Ptahhotep. (famous ancient Egyptian philosopher)
    • Amenhotep. (famous ancient Egyptian philosopher)
    • Seth. (Osiris’s brother)
    • Horus. (Osiris’s son)
    • Mut. (Egyptian mother goddess)
    • Maimonides. (Egyptian philosopher)
    • Thoth. (Egyptian philosopher)
    • Menhit. (Egyptian goddess of war)
    • Tahemet. (“queenie”)
    • Kyky. (“monkey”)

    Cutest Egyptian Cat Names

    It is rare indeed that the cuteness of cats can be summed up in just one word. But we think these cute Egyptian cat names have a pretty good shot at doing just that!

    • Tabby. (traditional color pattern for all ancient Egyptian cats)
    • Nanu. (“cute”)
    • Nefret. (“stunning”)
    • Lotus. (“flower”)
    • Halima. (“gentle”)
    • Layla. (“night”)
    • Hasina. (“good”)
    • Mandisa. (“sweet”)
    • Mesi. (“water”)
    • Oni. (“wanted”)
    • Sanura. (“kitten”)
    • Umayma. (“little mother”)
    • Urbi. (“princess”)
    • Zahra. (“flower”)
    • Akiki. (“friendly”)
    • Dakarai. (“happy”)
    • Madu. (“of the people”)

    Funny Egyptian Cat Names

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    Cats may look noble and sophisticated as can be. But, as all cat lovers know, hidden inside every divine feline is a funny, furry comedian. These funny Egyptian cat names might be perfect to describe your cat’s favorite pranks!

    • Kat. (“weight of measure”)
    • Panya. (“mouse”)
    • Adofo. (“fighter”)
    • Chigaru. (“hound”)
    • Gahji. (“hunter”)
    • Kosey. (“lion”)
    • Msamaki. (“fish”)
    • Nkuku. (“rooster”)
    • Oba. (“king”)
    • Sabola. (“pepper”)
    • Bennu. (Egyptian deity of creation, often shown as a falcon)
    • Sepest. (Egyptian god who lives in a tree)
    • Moke. (“sweetened with honey”)
    • Gata. (“cat” in Greek)
    • Mekal. (“fierce devourer”)
    • Ishaq. (“he who laughs”)
    • Ialu. (“field of dreams”)

    Unique Egyptian Cat Names

    These unique Egyptian cat names each give a hint of your kitty’s unique history and lineage.

    Many of these names are elegant and lyrical. Certainly not your average feline name choices!

    • Votive. (Eygptian word for “favor” at the temple of Bastet)
    • Nefertum. (Egyptian goddess of sweet smells)
    • Giza. (city in Egypt where the Sphinx is located)
    • Khafre. (human face on the Sphinx in Giza)
    • King Kufu. (Khafre’s father)
    • Hatshepsut. (Egyptian female ruler)
    • Stela. (stone slab between the paws of the Sphinx)
    • Thutmose. (Egyptian ruler who installed the Stela)
    • Cairo. (modern capital city of Egypt, means “the victorious”)
    • Gezira. (Egyptian island near Cairo)
    • Sinai. (peninsula in Egypt)
    • Nile. (famous river in Egypt)
    • Rosetta. (branch of the Nile)
    • Damietta. (branch of the Nile)
    • Aswan. (famous Nile river dam)
    • Renenutet. (Egyptian goddess, giver of secret birth names)
    • Anippe. (“daughter of the Nile”)

    Tough Egyptian Cat Names

    Being feline in ancient Egypt came with a great deal of power and privilege. A story is told regarding one epic battle with rival Persia. The Persian army painted cats on their shields. They also released a number of cats in front of the Egyptian soldiers.

    The Egyptian soldiers surrendered quickly. They didn’t want to risk offending their beloved cat goddess, Bastet, by inadvertently harming any of the cats!

    We’re not sure whether this story is completely true. But it certainly says a lot about how Egyptians felt about cats!

    These tough Egyptian cat names all take inspiration from ancient Egypt’s own mighty and powerful place in the world’s history.

    • Ra/Re. (Egyptian Sun god)
    • Sekhmet. (“Powerful One,” Ra’s lion-headed daughter)
    • Ptah. (Sekhmet’s husband)
    • Geb. (god of the Earth)
    • Mihos. (lion-headed son of Bastet)
    • Pasht. (another name for Bastet)
    • Ahmenhotet III. (Egyptian ruler who loved cats)
    • Herodotus. (Greek historian who wrote about Egypt’s love of cats)
    • Bubastis. (Egyptian city which housed Bastet’s temple)
    • Mafdet. (earliest recorded feline goddess)
    • Mau. (the divine cat, a name for the Egyptian Sun god Ra)
    • Pakhet. (lioness goddess of war)
    • Aladdin. (famous Egyptian fencing master)
    • Sobek. (crocodile god)
    • Maat. (goddess of justice, order and truth)
    • Wadjet. (cobra goddess)
    • Anhur. (god of hunting and war)

    Fun Facts About Egyptian Cat Names

    Do you know where domestic cats came from? Research suggests from a Near East wild cat. That dates back ten thousand years! This cat was called Felis sylvestris lybica. Biologists are not yet certain who gets top honors for first domesticating this wild cat. Yet the ancient Egyptians are quite likely candidates.

    A few years back, a unique burial site was discovered in what is now the Republic of Cyprus, once under Egyptian rule.

    Inside this 9,500-year-old burial site, archaeologists unearthed two mummies. One human and one cat. From all appearances, the cat was living side-by-side with the human as a pet.

    The Egyptian Mau cat is the proud representative of ancient Egyptian felines today. “Mau” literally means “cat” in the Egyptian language. This is ironically similar to the noise cats make!

    This is a natural cat breed. This means the breed evolved without assistance from humans. This includes without deliberate cross-breeding.

    Congratulations on your new feline family member! We hope you have found lots of inspiration browsing through the curated lists of names in this article.

    When you do select a name for your new kitty, please drop back by to share which name you chose and the story behind it. We love to learn from our readers!

    In Ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred. The Egyptian word for cats was Mau. Cats were first domesticated and praised for controlling pests and killing snakes. The people of Egypt even had a religion centered around worshiping animals, including cats.

    The goddesses of their religion is a good source of Egyptian cat names. At first, these gods were represented by lionesses. Once Egyptians domesticated cats the images of these gods also changed into cats.

    The cats of Egyptian royalty were dressed in golden jewelry and were allowed to eat from their owners’ plates. Some cats were even found mummified and buried next to their owners. Over 300,000 mummified cats were found when the cat-god Bast’s temple was excavated.

    Goddess Egyptian Cat Names

    • Bastet – (or Bast) represented protection, fertility and motherhood
    • Mihos – lion-headed son of Bastet
    • Sekhmet – warrior lioness goddess
    • Mekal – fierce devourer
    • Pakhet – she who scratches
    • Menhit – Egyptian war goddess

    If you don’t want to use a goddess for your Egyptian cat name, you can go with one of these other great Egyptian names:

    Female Egyptian Cat Names

    • Mau – Egyptian word for cat
    • Aisha – peaceful
    • Akila – intelligent
    • Amunet – goddess of mystery
    • Amenti – goddess of the land of the west
    • Ankhsi
    • Annipe – daughter of the Nile
    • Anukis – goddess of the Nile
    • Aziza – precious
    • Chione – daughter of the nile
    • Cleopatra – famous Egyptian queen
    • Dalila – sweet
    • Ebony – black
    • Femi – lover
    • Hasina – good
    • Hebony – black
    • Isis – motherhood
    • Jamila – beauty
    • Kakra – twin
    • Kamilah – perfect
    • Kanika – black
    • Keket – goddess of darkness
    • Kepi – tempestuous
    • Khepri – morning sun
    • Kissa – sister of twins
    • Kiwu – obese
    • Kosey – word for lion
    • Lapis – blue semi-precious jewel
    • Layla – born at night
    • Lotus – flower
    • Maat – goddess of order & justice
    • Maye – beloved of Amun
    • Monifa – lucky
    • Mosi – born first
    • Nailah – successful
    • Nebit – leopard-like
    • Neema – born to wealthy parents
    • Nefertiti – queen of Egypt
    • Net – divine mother
    • Nile – river in Egypt
    • Nuru – born during the day
    • Oni – wanted
    • Phoenix – mythological bird that rose from the ashes
    • Sabola – prophetess
    • Sagira – little one
    • Sanura – kitten
    • Selma – secure
    • Scarab – beetle & frequent symbol
    • Shani – wonderful woman
    • Tahirah – pristine
    • Tia – Princess during the 19th dynasty
    • Zahra – flower
    • Zalika – wellborn

    Male Egyptian Cat Names

    • Abasi – serious
    • Adio – righteous
    • Adofo – fighter
    • Aker – earth deity that guarded the dead
    • Akil – smart
    • Akins – brave
    • Amenhotep – name of a pharaoh
    • Ammon – mystery
    • Amun – chief of gods & fertility
    • Anubis – afterlife
    • Ata – twin
    • Aten – sun
    • Azibo – Earth
    • Azizi – precious
    • Bomani – warrior
    • Darius – name of a pharaoh
    • Haji – born during the pilgrimage
    • Hamadi – praised
    • Hapi – a god of the Nile
    • Hasani – handsome
    • Horus – sun god
    • Imhotep – peace
    • Jabari – brave
    • Jahi – dignified
    • Kahotep – peaceful
    • Kek – god of darkness
    • Khafra – name of a pharaoh
    • Khalid – immortal
    • Khons – god of the moon
    • Kosey – lion
    • Kufu – one of the pharaohs
    • Lateef – gentle
    • Luxor – temple
    • Mekal – fierce devourer
    • Mkhai – fighter
    • Musa – of the water
    • Mshai – wanderer
    • Nassor – victor
    • Nephi – good son
    • Nomti – strong
    • Oba – king
    • Odion – yellow flower
    • Omari – high born
    • Osiris – lord of life after death
    • Pepi – Egyptian ruler
    • Pharaoh – Egyptian ruler
    • Ptolemy – name of a pharaoh
    • Ra – sun god
    • Ramses – name of multiple pharaohs
    • Sefu – sword
    • Seti – 19th dynasty ruler
    • Sobek – god with body of a man and head of a crocodile
    • Sphinx – lion with a human head
    • Tau – lion
    • Tor – king
    • Tut – pharaoh Tutankamun
    • Umi – life
    • Usi – smoke
    • Zoser – king

    Egyptian Cat Names Inspired by Popular People Names

    These names are among the most popular for young people in Egypt today. For a modern and trendy twist on your cat’s name, this is a great place to start.

    Best Female Cat Names

    1. Sara
    2. Mariam
    3. Rana
    4. Salma
    5. Aya
    6. Jana
    7. Heba
    8. Jomana
    9. Doha
    10. Alaa
    11. Nada
    12. Yasmin
    13. Nour
    14. Farah
    15. Dina
    16. Amirah
    17. Angie
    18. Mayar
    19. Raneem
    20. Amal

    Best Male Cat Names

    1. Ahmed
    2. Mohamed
    3. Omar
    4. Mahmoud
    5. Amr
    6. Muhammad
    7. Mido
    8. Mostafa
    9. Abdelrahman
    10. Karim
    11. Ahmad
    12. Sherif
    13. Abdallah
    14. Mustafa
    15. Ali
    16. Eslam
    17. Youssef
    18. Ayman
    19. Hamada
    20. Miro

    Historical and Descriptive Egyptian Cat Names

    More than 5,000 years of the cultural history of Egypt provides a rich language of names. For your Egyptian Mau, Sphynx cat, or mixed breed, how can you choose between Mekal (fierce devourer) and Pakhet (she who scratches)?

    Female NamesMeaning
    AmunetGoddess of mystery
    AnatA wife of Seth
    AnippeDaughter of the Nile
    AstarteA wife of Seth
    AusetAnother name for supreme goddess
    BastWarrior goddess of cats
    BastetGoddess of cats and the home
    ChioneMythical daughter of the Nile
    CleopatraA queen of Eygpt
    DenderaFrom Dendera
    EchidnaMythical monster
    EdjoAnother form of Uadjit
    HafsahMarried to the prophet
    HathorGoddess of destruction
    HatshepsutName of a queen
    HehetGoddess of the immeasurable
    HeqetFrog headed goddess
    IsisSupreme Goddess
    KakraA twin
    KeketGoddess of darkness
    KesiBorn of a troubled father
    KhepriMorning sun
    KissaSister of twins
    LapisNamed for the lapis stone
    LaylaBorn at night
    LotusLotus flower
    MaatGoddess of order & justice
    MasikaBorn during rain
    Meht urtRepresented by a cow
    Mert ekertLover of silence
    MosiBorn first
    MukamutaraDaughter of Mutara
    MukantagaraBorn during war
    MutMythical mother
    NabiryeMother of twins
    NashwaWonderful feeling
    NaunetGoddess of the ocean
    Nebt hetNature goddess
    NeemaBorn to wealthy parents
    NefertariName of a queen
    NefertitiName of a queen
    NeithThe divine mother
    NekhbetMythical vulture goddess
    NephthysMythical nature goddess
    NetThe divine mother
    NileFrom the Nile
    NiutGoddess of nothingness
    NubiaFrom Nubia
    NuruBorn during the day
    NutMythical sky goddess
    OdeFrom the road
    OjufemiBeloved of the gods
    OlabisiBrings joy
    OlufemiBeloved of the gods
    PiliBorn second
    RabiahBorn in the spring
    RamlaPredicts the future
    RenenetGoddess of fortune
    SabahBorn in the morning
    SagiraLittle one
    SekhetWife of Ptah
    SekhmetGoddess of destruction and healing
    SelkAnother form of “supreme goddess”
    SerqAnother form of “supreme goddess”
    TalibahSeeks knowledge
    TauretGoddess of pregnant women
    TefnutAtmospheric moisture
    ThermuthisAnother form of Renenet
    UadjitMythical cobra goddess
    UatchitAnother form of Hathor
    UmaymaLittle mother
    WalidahNewly born
    Male namesMeanings
    AbayomiBrings joy
    AmenhotepName of a pharaoh
    AmenophisName of a pharaoh
    AmmonGod of a united Egypt
    AmsiPersonification of reproduction
    AmunGod of mystery
    AnpuGod of the dead
    AnubisGod of the dead
    AnzetyGod of Busiris
    ApisDead bull thought to be Osiris
    AstennuGod of the moon
    AtemuMythical great god of Annu
    AtenSun disk
    BabafemiBeloved of his father
    BadruBorn during the full moon
    BastetA cat
    BesBrings joy
    ChenziraBorn on a journey
    ChikePower of God
    DariusName of a pharaoh
    FenukuBorn late
    GebMythical earth god
    HajiBorn during the pilgrimage
    HapiA god of the Nile
    HapuName of a pharaoh
    HeruSun god
    HorusGod of the sky
    JibadeRelated to royalty
    JumokeLoved by all
    KafeleWould die for
    KekGod of darkness
    KhafraName of a pharaoh
    KhalfaniShall rule
    KhentimentiuGod of the dead’s destiny
    KhonsGod of the moon
    KhufuName of a pharaoh
    LukmanA prophet
    MenesName of a king
    MenkauraName of a pharaoh
    MinGod of fertility
    MonthGod of Thebes
    MusaOf the water
    NarmerName of a king
    Neb er tcherGod of the universe
    NuruBorn during the day
    OmariHigh born
    OnurisBrings back the distant one
    OsaharGod hears me
    OsirisGod of the dead
    OubastetA cat
    PtolemyName of a pharaoh
    QebFather of the earth
    QuasshieBorn on Sunday
    RaThe sun
    RadamesEgyptian hero
    RamsesBegotten by Ra the sun god
    ReMidday sun
    RsmsesName of a pharaoh
    SaaA nature god
    SebGod of the earth
    SenusnetName of a pharaoh
    SerapisAnother name for Apis
    SethosName of a prince
    ShabakaName of a king
    TarikName of a warrior
    TehutiGod of earth, sky & sea
    TeremunLoved by his father
    ThothGod of the moon
    ThutmoseName of a pharaoh
    TumGreat god of Annu
    Un neferGod of the dead
    YahyaGiven by God
    ZahurA flower
    ZiyadHe shall add


    Need Cat Sitting?

    Cats seem more independent than dogs, sure, but they need attention, play, and treats when you’re gone, too. Your great cat deserves great cat care. You’ve found the best cat name, so now it’s time to find them the perfect cat sitter.

    And if you’re still looking for more inspiration, take a look at our black cat name ideas!

    "Passionate dog trainer with years of experience. Transforming pups into well-behaved companions through positive reinforcement and love. 🐾🐶"