Written By
Ankit Singh
Hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disease in cats that causes an overproduction of thyroid hormone.
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* Weight loss * Increased thirst and urination * Increased appetite * Vomiting * Diarrhea * Restlessness * Increased heart rate * Hair loss * Difficulty breathing
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The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in cats is a benign tumor in the thyroid gland.
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* Medication * Surgery * Radioactive iodine therapy
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The prognosis for cats with hyperthyroidism is generally good. With treatment, most cats will go on to live normal, healthy lives.
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There is no known way to prevent hyperthyroidism in cats. However, early diagnosis and treatment can help to improve the prognosis for cats with this condition.
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Hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disease in cats. With early diagnosis and treatment, most cats will go on to live normal, healthy lives
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If you think your cat may have hyperthyroidism, please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment.
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