Fleas can be a nightmare for dog owners. Fleas can cause severe irritation to your dog, excessive scratching and even death if they enter your home. Fleas also spread their eggs on your carpet, furniture and other areas they can reach. Let us browse get rid of fleas on dogs naturally.
While we recommend that you follow the advice of your vet, there are many natural ways to treat fleas in dogs without resorting to chemical treatments.
Are you looking for ways to eliminate fleas from dog hair and skin?
Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs Naturally
There are many flea home remedies available for dogs if your dog scratches and you suspect it is flea-related. We have many options for flea treatment on dogs, including a homemade collar, dip, scrub or other home remedies.
Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Fleas On Your Dog
Washes and Sprays. Dips. Rubs.
Essential oils can be used to treat fleas in dogs. Fleas can be repelled naturally by rosemary, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils. Spray your dog with a spray bottle if your dog is comfortable using a spray bottle. Add a few drops to your favorite essential oil to 300ml to 400ml of water.
Essential oils such as tea tree oil can be toxic to pets if they are not diluted properly (.1%-1%) – You should consult your vet before you apply an essential oil solution to your pet.
We recommend the essential oil flea repellent Walk Your Dog with Love’s “An Ounce Of Prevention “.
This essential oil blend by Walk Your Dog with Love is a favorite of ours. This all-natural solution is affordable and effective against ticks and fleas.
The blend of oils is safe for dogs and their families and non-toxic. You can find it on their website. We also love their harnesses for dogs – they are great!
Apple cider vinegar has the unique ability to naturally treat fleas in dogs by balancing their pH levels. This creates a healthy environment for your dog, but is not sustainable for fleas.
Mix six cups of apple cider vinegar and four cups water. Add a pinch of sea salt to the mixture, and spray it directly onto your dog’s hair. Be sure to not get in your dog’s eyes.
The lemon bath is easy to make, and it will leave your pet with a fresh, clean scent. For natural flea treatment in dogs, simply mix half a cup freshly squeezed lemon juice with two cups of water. Then add a few drops of your pet-friendly shampoo or soap.
Fleas can be killed naturally by any pet-friendly shampoo that makes a lather. Natural flea remedies are always best, so choose an organic pet shampoo that doesn’t contain any chemicals.
After your dog has been properly lathered with shampoo, allow it to work for a few minutes. This is a great way to kill fleas and prevent them from coming back.
This natural shampoo is recommended for pet owners who are looking for a strong flea shampoo but made with natural ingredients. This shampoo repels fleas for as long as 7 days after contact.
Natural formulation with Neem, citrus and lavender to relieve tick and flea irritations. This shampoo does not address flea infections. We recommend the TropiClean Maximum strength formulation.
This Rosemary dip is a great way to get your dog into the water. Boil the rosemary leaves and then mix it in boiling water. Strain the mixture into a bowl, and then add warm water to dilute. Once the water has reached a comfortable temperature pour the mixture onto your dog. Let it dry naturally.
Neem oil, a natural repellent and one of the less-known flea treatments, is an excellent choice. This oil is a natural repellent and can be found in parts of India, Sri Lanka, Burma and Sri Lanka. You can either apply it directly on your dog’s skin, mix it with your regular dog shampoo, or make your own flea spray.
You can wash your dog just like normal, but with organic soaps such organic peppermint soap and organic Rose soap. Your dog will smell great and be free from fleas.
Aromatherapy is a great way to help your dog. Use sweet almond oil as the base oil and add a few drops of Atlas cedar oil and lemon eucalyptus oils, geranium oil and bay laurel oil.
Is there anything coconut oil cannot do? Coconut oil can be used in many ways to treat fleas. A teaspoon of coconut oil can be rubbed into the dog’s coat to repel fleas. It will also make it shiny and less odorous.
Coconut oil, which has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, can be added to the dog’s regular food.
Dog Collar to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs Naturally
Home-made flea collars are a clever way to keep your dog’s flea protection consistent without spraying or rubbing them with the mixture. You can either buy or make a basic collar or bandanna. Then, you can add a few drops lavender oil or cedar oils to water and then apply it directly on the collar or bandanna.
Did you know that vodka is an effective treatment for fleas in dogs! Make a simple collar for your dog, and then soak it in unflavoured vodka. Dry the collar.
To make a scented collar for your dog, you can add a few drops to your favorite essential oil. However, dogs that don’t like the smell of essential oils can use vodka alone.
Sachets and Combs to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs Naturally
Lemon juice is well-known for its ability to repel and kill fleas, but it’s completely safe for dogs and humans. Use your regular comb or brush to apply fresh lemon juice to your dog’s hair. A cloth dipped into lemon juice can be used for short-haired dogs.
Flea combs can be purchased at a local store. This is one method of treating fleas. Flea combs do not contain chemicals, but are specifically designed to remove fleas from the dog’s hair.
This is a great way to get rid of fleas from your dog, before you use other flea home remedies.
This flea sashay will give your dog the same benefits as spraying or applying products directly to their skin. It is simple to make and can be used by any dog.
Make a small bag from breathable fabric like hessian, muslin or muslin and then add lemon peel, dried lavender buds, or cedar chips to the bag.
Place the bag near your dog’s bed area by tying the top. After about a month, the mixture will lose its potency. You can simply reopen it and replace it with fresh ingredients.
Food and Drink to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs Naturally
You can prevent your dog from getting fleas by adding apple cider vinegar or diluting vinegar to their drinking water. To make sure that they like the taste, you will need to first test it.
A good ratio is to use one teaspoon of your vinegar for every four cups. You will not only keep fleas away, but also your dog’s skin and coat will be healthier.
The easiest way to naturally treat fleas in dogs is to work from the inside out. Healthy dogs are less likely than sick ones to have fleas.
One way to improve your dog’s health and prevent them from getting fleas is by adding a little brewers yeast to his food. A half teaspoon of brewer’s yeast can be added to your dog’s regular food and it will work as a flea treatment.
This powdered supplement was created by Dr. Bob Goldstein and contains natural ingredients that help to prevent ticks and fleas in dogs.
Fleas in the Home?
Then to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs Naturally
What happens if your dog gets fleas and your dog is allowed in? Fleas in your house are a sure sign of infestation. You might be wondering how to eliminate fleas from dog bedding or other household items.
If you have fleas in your home, the first thing to do is gather all the soft furnishings that your dog uses, such as blankets, pillows, mats, pillows and towels. Then, put them through the washer. Although it is a daunting task, it can be done to eliminate fleas.
It is important to wash your soft furnishings, but it will be even better if you put everything in the tumbler. Fleas can be killed in just 15 minutes by using a hot tumbler.
When it comes to flea treatment at home, your vacuum cleaner will be your best friend. The best vacuum cleaning system for fleas is one that uses water.
Dry vacuum cleaners: Fleas collected from the canisters or bags will attempt to escape once you open them. This should be done immediately outside your home. To prevent fleas escaping, it is advisable to spray the vacuum cleaner canister immediately after opening.
Sprinkle baking soda on your carpet, then use a broom to sweep the carpet side-to-side. This will help dehydrate fleas eggs and carpet fibers. You can leave the baking soda on the carpet overnight and vacuum up the fleas the next morning.
Similar to the baking soda method, salt can be sprinkled on carpets and soft furnishings to kill fleas.
Salt is a great flea treatment but it should be used with care as it can cause your vacuum to rust if it’s not cleaned properly after vacuuming.
Lemon spray is an excellent way to treat fleas. It doesn’t need to be vacuumed afterward. Let the mixture cool overnight in a small saucepan of water. The next morning, use the mixture to lightly dampen the carpet and other soft furnishings of your home.
Steam cleaning carpets and other soft furnishings will kill fleas instantly and keep your home smelling and looking great.
Diatomaceous Earth is a fine powder made from microscopic algae remains. It may sound strange, but it is an effective and natural way to get rid of fleas.
Block off the area so that no one, especially your dog, can walk on it. After that, vacuum the carpet well. To prevent another round, use diatomaceous earth to dry out and kill flea eggs.
This flea trap is a clever way to eliminate fleas from your home. It doesn’t require spraying any chemicals on your furniture. You can simply fill a bowl or plate with warm water, add a few drops to your favorite dish soap, and then place it on the ground overnight.
The mixture’s high viscosity acts as glue and traps fleas on the surface. You can empty the mixture out and then wash your bowl or plate well in the morning.
You can make rosemary powder with a mortar and pestle if you have a mortar. This will help prevent future flea infestations. You can add your own ingredients such as peppermint, rue, wormwood and fennel to make a powder that you can sprinkle around your home.
Fleas in your Backyard
They may not be visible to the naked eye, but that doesn’t make them invisible. Fleas can be found in your backyard, especially if your dog is suffering from a severe case.
Natural methods are the best when it comes to outdoor flea treatments. Here are our top tips to help you treat fleas in your backyard.
Fleas love hiding so the more barren your garden, the less likely they will choose it to hide in. Keep your garden free of weeds by trimming or removing overgrown hedges and bushes.
Fleas love dark, damp places and will avoid sunlight whenever possible. Ask yourself where fleas might hide in your garden. Keep this in mind when removing twigs, dead foliage, and excess mulch. Let the sun shine through your yard as much as you can and don’t overwater.
Nobody likes the idea that worms are running wild in their garden, unless it’s a particular type of nematodes called Steinerma Carpocapsea. These tiny worms can be used to kill fleas and are completely safe for both your dog as well as your garden.
Planting certain plants that repel fleas is a great way to naturally treat them. There are many natural flea repellents that you can use in your garden. These include Penny Royal, chrysanthemums and lavender as well as Penny Royal and chrysanthemums.
Before you go to the local nursery, it is important to research which plants are most likely to grow in your area.
A Note about Essential Oils
You might have noticed that there are many essential oils in the flea home remedies for dogs. Natural essential oils are very effective in flea treatment. There are many different scents that you can choose from.
It all comes down to which essential oils you have at your disposal and what your personal preferences are.
We recommend that you first test a small amount of essential oils near your dog to determine how it reacts. Dogs have sensitive noses. Dogs will respond to certain scents in a similar way as humans.
Flea treatments should be natural. However, it is important to consider your dog’s preferences. You shouldn’t spray their bedding with essential oils.
Imagine waking up every night to a pillow that smells like your worst nightmare. You’ll be able to see why it is important for your dog to have some say in what scents you use.
These flea home remedies will help you get rid of fleas from dog bedding, your garden and your dog.
This page is not meant to replace veterinary advice. Before submitting your application, consult your veterinarian.
To save our fellow dog owners time and money, we put a lot into finding the best products and services. JPR may be compensated for suggesting products.