Female Peacock Facts, What Makes Them Unique From The Male?

By Alberto Roy

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Female Peacock Facts

Although the expression peacock is employed no matter sex, technically, men are peacocks and females are somewhat peahens. Here’s a concise summary of the distinction between female peacock and male peacocks.

As per another analysis, the eye movements of female peacocks through courtship were mostly concentrated on the man’s legs and reduced feathers, in place of the tall screen of feathers.

Among the very amazing avian species on Earth, peacocks have been famous for their long tails using elaborate iridescent feathers. There are 3 species of peacocks which appeal to the genus Pavo, subfamily Phasianinae and family Phasianidae.

They’re Pavo cristatus (Indian peacock), Pavo muticus (green peacock), also Afropavo congensis (Congo peacock).

Female Peacock Facts

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Both the green and Indian species have the trademark peacock tail using iridescent feathers. Even though the Congo peacock isn’t quite as appealing as the other two species, it’s dark blue stripes and a dark tail.

The true title of this peacock is peafowl. The expression peacock refers to a bird and the female is referred to as a peahen.

The young person is called a peachick. If it concerns the physical characteristics of the critters, there exist several differences between species. The female and male birds appear distinct.

The peacock is a traditional instance of sexual dimorphism. The females and males possess different characteristics which make them seem completely different. The size of sexual dimorphism can change with various species.

In the event of peacocks, the very long and gorgeous tail of the man has become the most obvious quality which makes it appear different from the feminine.

Given below are the principal differences between the female and male peacock (Pavo cristatus).

Female Peacock That You Probably Should Know

Female peacock — Peacocks bird is just one of the very beautiful fowl from the world famous for its tails with elaborate iridescent feathers. Even though the expression ‘peacock’ is generally utilized to refer both females and males, but the right title of these species is that the ‘peafowl’.

The man ones are known as ‘peacocks’ along with the feminine peacock is known as ‘peahens’. Even though the overall look of a lady peacock is much less appealing as a man peacock, a female peacock has several distinctive facts which you might not know about.

Additionally, there are a few substantial visual differences between female peacock and male peacock you ought to know. Even in the event that you don’t know a lot about peafowl, however it is simple to find the gap between the female and male peacocks.

Female Peacock Truth

As we all know, a man peacock is more appealing than the usual female peacock. But it turns out that there are a few intriguing facts which are possessed by female peacocks. What are the details?

1. Female Peacock Can Not Spread Their Feathers

Should you see female and male peacocks, certainly you may know their differences concerning tail fur length. Male peacock tail feathers tend to be more in size compared to females.

The man peacocks have very lovely tail feathers. Subsequently, every one of the very long tail feathers comes with a decorative ocellus, also called an eye-spot. On the flip side, females do not have it.

Consequently, females peacock aren’t able to distribute their feathers since they don’t have any long feathers in any way.

2. Female Peacock Can Not Do Dance Along With Flap Its Own Tail Feathers At Certain Times

Just the man peacock whose entire body has been covered with lovely and appealing feathers. Afterward they will love to dance facing the feminine with their trains dispersing.

The man species constantly work harder to become attractive to prospective mates. While, the feminine can pull in the mates with much less effort.

The man peacocks could maintain its own tail erect, like a lover, and these screen is principally viewed during courtship.

They’ll practice dance to pull in the female peacock by revealing the most alluring tail feathers, the more lively movement, along with the loud noise.

Like the man peacocks which will exhibit their tails through the courtship, feminine may also exhibit their brief feathers but not dancing.

They often exhibit the feathers just as a sign of risk because of its own chicks, or if fighting other females within a prospective mate.

3. The Way Female Peacock To Select a Mate

Well, each peacock has outstanding appearance all his own regardless of what type of species that they are. The different color patterns and ‘eyespots’ sprinkled across the feathers would be the most essential resources to entice the females.

Every time a man courts a lady, he’ll spread his tail feathers to show the colours and eye-spots. The tail spreads beneath the peacock at a complete semicircle, although a few peacocks have tails that are larger than others.

The truth is the dimensions and the routines of this tail assist the feminine peacocks to select whether she’ll associate together or not.

Normally, the longer eye-spots and the larger the tails, the more the greater opportunities for your peacocks to receive one or several mates.

But sadly, like a lot of character, there’s absolutely not any certain thing in peacock breeding activity, as well as minding too much tail can frighten off prospective mates.

Even in the event that you don’t know a lot about birds, then you are able to readily tell the difference between a peacock and a peahen. Expressions like “proud as a peacock” reference the man’s colorful plumage and carriage, although the feminine is very plain in contrast.

That very long peacock tail along with these brilliant colors evolved to rejuvenate the peahens for reproductive functions.

Nonetheless, it’s that the peahen that makes the real collection of a partner. Since the peacock spreads his tail, then these decorative eyespots make all of the difference to peahens.

The bigger the lover of the tail along with also the wider that the eyespots, the more probable a peacock is going to undoubtedly be hot with the women.

The Difference Between Male And Female Peacock

The true title of peacock, since we all mentioned above, is peafowl. The expression peacock identifies the bird along with the female bird is known as peahen.

As soon as we listen to the physical characteristics between female and male peacock, there are a number of visual differences.

The man and the feminine look really different. Here it is possible to observe the female and male peacock pictures to be aware of the differences.

1. The Coloration

The male peacock colours is ordinarily an iridescent color of bright blue that may be utilized to attract mates. On the flip side, the feminine one has more subdued feathers that are inclined to be brown, cream or gray.

2. Size Matters

The dimensions between female and male peacocks are completely different. The men are somewhat taller and more. The mature men have a body fat which ranges roughly 9 — 13 lbs, whereas the females approximately 6 — 9 lbs. The adult male could be provided 7.5 feet in the mind towards the end of the tail, whereas the feminine is approximately 2.5 — 3.5 ft.

3. Tail Feathers

Among the most important distinction thing about female and male peacock is that their tail feathers or feathers. The females don’t have any train whatsoever. They have short tails using dull brownish-gray feathers.

On the flip side, the men have vibrant and long tails using iridescent feathers and will quantify 4 — 5 ft .

Around Peafowl

Peafowl, particularly peacocks are extremely popular with all the gorgeous feathers and trains that they have. There are 3 species of peafowl which appeal to this genus Pavo and Afropavo of their Phsianina household.

Indian Peafowl

The grownup Indian peacock sports a tail train which makes around 60% of their bird’s body length, with between 100 and 150 feathers producing his remarkable screen. Each feather includes a blue, gold and green eyespot in the suggestion, officially called an ocellus.

These eyespots are encompassed with added iridescent colours, such as purple and black. The Indian peacock includes a distinctive blue crest on his mind.

The peahen is brown with a white stomach. She’s any green feathering around the throat, but that is about it in relation to bright coloration.

Green Peafowl

Green peafowl, also referred to as Java peafowl, have obvious gender differences in look. The green peacock includes a train comprising roughly 200 feathers, together with every one wearing a gold, brown and green eyespot.

His train comprises more gold and can be marginally darker than compared to the common Indian peacock. He’s a green mind crest on his mind. Though green peahens are in fact green, the coloration is not as iridescent and they do not have railings.

Sexing Peachicks

Sexing peachicks is not simple. Male peachicks normally have more limbs than females from age two months. Look closely at the ends of the bird’s outer primary feathers. These suggestions are somewhat brighter on men.

The man’s tails do not grow until age 3, so in the event that you would like to be totally sure your peachick’s gender and do not mind spending some cash, pluck some feathers and then send them into a lab for DNA testing.

Female Peacock Vs. Male Peacock


As stated previously, female and male peacocks seem like completely different species. In comparison to females, men are more slender and more. Normally, small-sized female peacocks weigh considerably less compared to men.

While mature men have a body fat which ranges between two and thirteen pounds, females weigh about six to eight lbs. An adult male may be provided 7.5 ft (like the tail), whereas the adult female is approximately 2.5 to 3.5 ft in length.


Men have vibrant and long tails using iridescent feathers. On the flip side, female peacocks or even peahens have short tails using dull brownish-gray feathers. The tail of a male peacock could be approximately two inches in length.

The very long tail constitutes for over 60 percent of their body length of the bird. When not vertical, the tail trails behind its rear, and thus, in addition, it referred to as a train.

The peacock can maintain its own tail erect, like a lover, and these screen is principally viewed during courtship. With their tails that are extraordinary, Indian peacocks are among the largest flying creatures.

In reality, what we view as the tail of a peacock is that the top tail covert feathers which are highly pressurized.

These covert feathers protect the foundation of authentic tail feathers. A male peacock could have over 200 successive feathers. The genuine tail feathers are much smaller than the feathers.

When compared to men, female peacocks are somewhat less appealing, since they lack the extended secret feathers which are located in men. But, their brownish-gray plumage assists them.


While men peacocks show their tails through courtship, females can also exhibit their tail feathers, even when they’re excited or endangered.

Peahens frequently exhibit their feathers as a sign of risk because of its own chicks, while battling other females within a prospective mate.

Eye Markings:

Though both men and females have white markings around the top and lower areas of the eyes, this attribute is far much more prominent in men.

In females, the mark over the eyes are clearly seen, but these found below the eyes unite with their skin colour and can’t be differentiated easily.

Crest and Neck:

The male peacock has brief and curled feathers on the head, and its own fan-like crest is made of little blue feathers with extended tail that is bare. At an peahen, the crest has brown feathers.

The male peacock has gloomy throat feathers which resembles fur, whereas the feminine contains dense alloy green (or bluish) feathers that look like scales. Females have a propensity to fluff their throat feathers between.

Back and Wings:

The rear of a male peacock includes scale-like feathers, which are accompanied by winged feathers. The feminine has scale-like feathers around the throat, however the feathers in their back are largely found in colors of brown and they also share an identical form.

In man peacocks, the wings may be barred or strong in colour, whereas peahens normally have solid brownish wings.

Legs and Spurs:

Male peacocks have marginally more limbs, compared to females. Though both genders have spurs (thorns) in their thighs, they grow earlier in men.

These spurs are a lot shorter and dull in females. Peacocks utilize their leg during territorial conflicts.


The magnificent display of the tails throughout the breeding season is really a behavioral characteristic of man peacocks, that are inclined to be solitary at several times. Their tail screen is meant to attract females for breeding.

It’s been indicated that the man standing among tall plant retains its tail , so he can be readily found by guys, in the very long distance. Men aren’t in any way involved in constructing houses, incubation, or even caring for young ones. Parental care is the obligation of females.

Baby Peacock:

It’s actually tough to differentiate between female and male peachicks. The vibrant tail of the male peacock grows since it reaches three decades old.

It’s said that girls with more legs and much more vibrant feathers are men. The leg spurs grow earlier in men. Females might or might not create leg .

Green Peacock:

Unlike Indian peacocks, green peacocks show hardly any differences between females and males. Though both seem alike, men have longer tails (approximately two meters); along with their own ancestral feathers have eye stains.

In tails, females are a lot shorter, with a dominant green colour. Neck feathers have been metallic in the genders, and they seem just like scales.

Even the crest feathers are more pointed and bluish in men, whereas females possess blossom crest feathers with curved tips.

Both genders have a yellowish patch on either side of the faces. The line which divides patch is bluish black in men and brown in females.

Congo Peacock:

Native to particular components of Congo, this peacock isn’t like another two species. It’s a shorter tail and not as attractive coloration. While the man has blackish green and blue feathers, the feminine features metallic feathers.

Both females and males possess nude red skin around the throat. In men, the crest is constructed from white hair-like feathers, whereas females have a shorter crest of feathers.

Albino and leucistic peacocks don’t include a distinct species. They look white because of specific kinds of hereditary mutations. Although they look white, the gaps between female and male members stay the same.

This is simply an summary of some fundamental differences between female and male peacocks. You will conduct a thorough study to learn more about the sex differences in those critters.

Hopefully, information concerning the truth of feminine peacock as well as the gap between female and male peacock could be helpful.

We must keep the existence of those gorgeous birds in order that they don’t become extinct. Enable them to live freely in their natural habitat rather than search them for industrial purposes.

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