The all-new Revolution Plus has triumph the market, and utmost of the cat parents out there would change Revolution for this new and advanced product. But before you prepare any such thing, make certain you read this blog about Revolution Vs Revolution Plus because we will be thoroughly comparing both products and you certainly do not wish to miss out on the systematic comparison.
In a world full of parasites, it can be gruelling for your pet to endure securely. The harassing creatures would style them itch and scratch all day.
So it is decisive for pet parents to guard their pets from fleas, ticks, worms, and other critters that can decline their overall health.
Fleas and ticks are irritating critters that honey to be around your pet. Parasites, specifically these fleas and ticks can cause thrilling distress to the animal as they nourish on your pet’s blood.
Revolution for Cats Vs Revolution Plus for Cats
Besides, these insects can also diffuse other life-threatening diseases to your cherished feline! Thanks to progressive medical research, now pet parents have sufficiently of preventatives to pick from.
One of the utmost renowned products from a universal recognized brand, Zoetis, is Revolution for Cats.
With its decidedly actual and clinically recognised products, Zoetis brand is pet parents’ first excellent. Launched in the early 2000s, Revolution has twisted a revolution in pet care industry.
After Revolution, Zoetis went a step forward and launched Revolution Plus for Cats, which kills further parasites.
Countless pet parents get confused between these products, thus we have organised a comparison chart for your informal considerate. This will afford evidence regarding both the products as well as the variance between them.
The medical world has grown with a brisk pace, therefore, there are a surfeit of options to treat and control parasites. However, when it derives to picking the precise product Revolution for cats and Revolution Plus for cats are the two very actual and multi-spectrum treatments.
But the crux is to recognise the variance between these products in order to choice the best decision for your cat. Hence, here is a comparison chart of both the products for profounder considerate.
Revolution vs Revolution Plus
As the subheading proposes, it is a suitable comparison between the two products revealed. And as furthermost pet parents would undertake, the latter product would effortlessly pip the former one, since the new product is a progressive version of it. But that’s not the case, which is why this blog has been engraved.
Moving on, let us compare both Revolution and Revolution Plus and realise which product the enhanced is bet.
Well, there is not much to discriminate between the two products as both are topical treatments and both treaty with several parasites.
However, Revolution Plus expands the possibility of pest protection to 6 common harmful parasites while Revolution protects from 5 parasites both to indoor and outdoor cats and kittens.
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Revolution and Revolution Plus both are influential treatments, though Revolution Plus is somewhat more active as it contains an extra ingredient – sarolaner – which also kills ticks on cats. For comprehensive protection, you should choose for Revolution Plus for Cats, a 6 in 1 parasitic treatment.
Revolution and Revolution Plus: The Differences
Below are the chief points of variances among both Revolution and Revolution Plus. Here, yield a read.
Number of Parasites
Revolution is actual alongside five kinds of parasites. It kills and protects cats from fleas, ear mites, biting lice, intestinal worms (roundworms and hookworms) and prevents heartworm disease. Revolution Plus does precisely the similar thing as stated, with the added ability to eradicate ticks as well.
Active Ingredients
The active ingredient present-day in Revolution is Selamectin. On the other hand, Revolution Plus has two vigorous ingredients; the chief one is Selamectin (just like Revolution), and the other is Sarolaner.
Revolution is identical ample waterproof and doesn’t lose its efficiency even in water. Revolution Plus though has not yet been permitted as a waterproof treatment.
Dogs above the age of 8 weeks are qualified for Revolution treatment. Moreover, this treatment is also safe for pregnant, lactating, and breeding dogs.
Revolution Plus is also innocent to practise in dogs over 8 weeks of age, but the safe use of this product on pregnant, lactating, and breeding dogs has not yet been assessed.
It goes without saying, but since Revolution Plus occurs to be the cutting-edge and upgraded style of Revolution, it costs somewhat sophisticated than Revolution.
Revolution Plus for cats
Revolution Plus for cats is a prodigious product. Pet owners and their cats have been fortunately using Revolution for cats for years – but now they have the decision of upgrading to Revolution Plus.
Revolution Plus is a higher product as it also does ticks and has twofold deed protection. Buy Revolution Plus today!
What is different between Revolution and Revolution Plus for Cats?
The variance between Revolution and Revoluion plus for cats is that Revolution for cats only contains the active Selamectin which is a member of the avermectin group of parasiticides.
Revolution Plus comprises the actives Selamectin and Sarolaner. Sarolaner is a member of the isoxazoline class of parasiticides. Both Selamectin and Sarolaner will kill fleas, mites and lice.
Therefore Revolution Plus has the welfares of twofold deed protection against these parasites. These parasites dont stand a casual. By adding the Sarolaner it also stretches Revolution Plus tick killing power!
Compare Revolution and Revolution Plus for Cats
Kills Fleas | ![]() | ![]() |
Repels Fleas | ![]() | ![]() |
Kills Flea eggs and Larvae | Prevents development | Kills fleas before they lay eggs |
Kills Ticks | ![]() | ![]() |
Repels Ticks | ![]() | ![]() |
Kills and/or Repels Mosquitoes | ![]() | ![]() |
Prevents Heartworm | ![]() | ![]() |
Other Parasites Information | Controls ear mites, roundworms and hookworms. | Treats and controls ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms. |
Waterproof (shampooing once a week can reduce effectiveness) | ![]() | N/A |
Safe for pregnant or nursing Pets | ![]() | The safe use of Revolution Plus in pregnant, breeding or lactating cats has not been evaluated. |
How long does it take to work | See a greater than 90% control of your flea infestation during the first month but because adult fleas will emerge from cocoons in your environment, you may see a few fleas for several months until the flea population is destroyed. | Starts killing fleas within 6 hours |
Taste | Applied to Skin | Applied to skin |
Active Ingredient(s) | Selamectin | Selamectin, Sarolaner |
RX Required | ![]() | ![]() |
Dosage | ||
Usage | ![]() | ![]() |
Video | Coming soon | Coming soon |
Vet Review | This versatile topical product has the widest range of protection of both internal and external parasites. In both cats and dogs, all 3 stages of the flea life cycle are effectively controlled,in addition to ear mites. For dogs, there is also the wonderful treatment benefit of killing hidden scabies mites on the skin, which are so difficult for veterinarians to find on routine skin scrapings at our offices. In fact, when either I or veterinary dermatologists are presented with a very itchy dog, in addition to our allergy workups, we will often treat with this topical every few weeks to treat and rule out any hidden scabies mites contributing to the pet’s itching. It is amazing how many dogs will respond to this treatment, leading me to believe that scabies mites are involved with a lot more itching problems in dogs than I first learned about in vet school. With the increased recognition and understanding of feline heartworm disease, this is often the first heartworm preventative that I will reach for in cats, especially given all of the other benefits above. While it is often effective for canine heartworm prevention as well, I have heard of rare lapses in protection, so I usually combine this topical in dogs with one of the oral heartworm prevention medications like Heartgard or Interceptor. The only disadvantage I have seen is the rare reaction on cats of mild digestive upset and temporary hair loss at the site of application. It also has the wonderful benefits of being water proof in only 2 hours after application, and in being approved for use in puppies as young as 6 weeks of age. | A significant limitation of the original revolution product for cats is that it did not cover any species of ticks, which is especially important in those cats who go outside and/or live with dogs where there is increased chance of tick borne infections such as Lyme disease, Ehrlichia and Anaplasmosis in dogs, not to mention the risk of tick born disease exposure in people whose cats bring ticks in to the home. With this new formulation clients get protection against 3 species of ticks. The American Heartworm Society has published that one in 4 cats diagnosed with heartworm disease are indoor only cats, so that especially in Southern, warmer clients, heartworm disease prevention may become as important in cats as dogs. And it takes only a few heartworms to cause significant disease in cats, who seem much more sensitive on exposure to this parasite than even dogs are. This versatile product not only kills fleas before they eggs, but gives additional 6 in 1 protection again ticks, round worms, hookworms, as well as ear mites. THe product is quite quick drying, easy to apply, and not messy or greasy like many other topical formulations. The only down side as to efficacy is in those cases where there is a severe flea infestation affecting multiple animals in a household, where I have found some of the other products a bit more effective in those cases in both dogs and cats, however the vast majority of flea infestations are easily taken care of with this product. Because of the addition of the Sarolamer ingredient for tick control, I would not use this product if there is any history of neurological disease or seizures in the cat. The only other rare side effect I have seen is lethargy and because of its easy to use formulation, only very rare contact sensitivity. With all this being said, I give this product an overall rating of a 4 out of 5 with an ease of application of 5. |
How reckless does Revolution Plus work?
Fleas – Revolution Plus jerks killing fleas within 6 hours of application and will have the cat closely 100% flea free within 24 hours. The cat will be sheltered for 5 weeks from fleas.
As the product kills the fleas so fast, they are unable to lay any eggs which breaks the flea life cycle.
Of course every existing eggs and larvae you have in your environment are still going to entrance but they will be rapidly killed by the Revolution Plus and won’t be clever to breed.
This is the equal with whichever flea treatment that you start on. You will still realise fleas for a short period until the ones in the environment are killed.
They are troublesome creatures but be confident that with your cat on Revolution plus and all other animals in your household on flea control you will get on top of them.
Ticks – For several of us this is the furthermost exciting entity about this product. To be bright to protect out cats from lethal paralysis ticks is so significant.
Cats normally do gravely with tick paralysis, it is more often than not fatal. Revolution Plus is actual against ticks after 24 hours.
Your cat will be protected for 5 weeks. It is significant to always check your cats regular for ticks and this product does not claim 100% efficacy. ( All the scientific data is beautiful close 🙂
Heartworm – Heartworm is blowout from cats and dogs via mosquitos, so it does not substance whether your cat has contact with other animals or not.
The dreaded mosquito carries this the microfilariae (baby worms) that they infect your cat with, they then grownup to huge worms that live in the heart and destroy it.
Revolution Plus must be given monthly to guard your cat from Heartworm. Revolution Plus can carefully be given to cats that previously have Heartworm – it is not operative against mature heartworms, it will not kill them.
It is upright veterinary exercise that if your cat is over 6 months and has not been on heartworm prevention to grow a test done at the vet. Cats normally don’t show signs of heartworm disease until it is too late.
Worms – Revolution Plus will guard your cat alongside Hookworms and Roundworms. It is self-same significant your cat is treated for Roundworm and it is effortlessly transferred to people and can migrate to the liver, lungs, brain and eyes.
If it migrates to the eyes blindness can transpire. Children are often at utmost risk, however somebody can be pretentious.
Revolution Plus does not do tapeworm. It is upright exercise to bounce your cat tapeworm treatment every 3 months. The Tapeworm tablets are trivial, inexpensive and laidback to give.
Ear Mites – A single does of Revolution Plus will be actual in treating ear mites and keeping them away.
Lice – Protection for your cat for a full month.
Revolution Plus has been tested and has demonstrated shelter with other recurrently used vererinary products such as anthelmentics, anti biotics, anti inflammatories, parasiticides and vaccines. If your cat is on Veterinary prescribed medication it is always a decent idea to check with your vet.
Revolution Plus has not been tested for security during pregnancy and lactation or in animals used for breeding.
Things to remember
- Only apply to dry hair. Do not apply to your cat if its wet
- Do not give to kittens under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 1.25kg
- Wash hands after handing
- Do not touch the area it has been applied to or let children play with the cat until its dry
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Revolution and Revolution Plus: The Similarities
We are through with the differences, now it is only reasonable to guise at all the resemblances between two of the top cat products; Revolution and Revolution Plus.
Fleas, Flea Eggs, and Larvae
Both the products effectually eliminate fleas, flea eggs, larvae and also deliver protection from flea infestations for one whole month. The products are also virtuous at reducing flea allergy dermatitis (FAD).
Heartworm Disease
Both Revolution and Revolution Plus are first-rate at preventing heartworm disease for roughly four weeks.
Biting Lice and Ear Mites
Revolution, as well as Revolution Plus, is moral at controlling and healing cats from biting lice and ear mite infestations.
It the brand name (Revolution) is the equal, it is handsome noticeable that the manufacturer will be the identical as well. Both products are manufactured by a well-renowned animal pharmaceutical company called Zoetis.
Minimum Age Requirement
The slightest age requirement for using these products for your cat or kitten is 8 weeks.
Treatment Pattern
The treatment patterns of both the products are one month. They are also recognised as monthly protection preventatives or treatments.
Mode of Administration
Revolution and Revolution Plus are spot-on treatments thus, they are administered topically.
The Final Verdict
As you can realise, both Revolution and Revolution Plus have their pros and cons. And though Revolution Plus obviously trumps Revolution, this does not unkind that Revolution is the lesser product.
In states like, having a low budget and/or your four-legged woolly pal suffering from fleas, mites, lice, etc (excluding ticks), Revolution can be picked for. But if your cat has ticks, then Revolution Plus is the apparent special.