13 Types of Angelfish You Should Know About (With Pictures)

By Alberto Roy

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Angelfish are beautiful and charming and make a wonderful addition to any freshwater aquarium. Angelfish is a cichlid species. They are both tall and short. Know more about Types of Angelfish in the blog post.

They swim gracefully with their long, elegant fins that trail behind them as they swim, making for a stunning display. Angelfish can grow to be as large as 4-10 inches in length.

These fish are native to South America but are now being bred in captivity all over the globe.

Angelfish have been kept for more than 100 years as pets. Through selective breeding, a wide variety of colors and patterns has been created. They are now more popular than ever.

Different Types of Angelfish

Angelfish are a wonderful addition to any aquarium. They can grow very large and can be chosen from many varieties.

Certain types require more water, prefer different vegetation or are more aggressive than others. We recommend that you do your research before making a purchase.

We have compiled a list of 13 most common types of Angelfish that can be found in aquariums all over the globe. Now we will take a closer look at each one to see how they differ from the rest.

To help you make educated decisions, we’ll discuss tank size, maximum growth, defining features and aggression.


Types of Angelfish

These are the thirteen types of Angelfish listed in alphabetical order.

1.Albino Angelfish

albino angelfish
Image Credit: jointstar, Shutterstock

The first Angelfish strain can be white to silver with a bit of yellow or orange around their faces. They will have pink eyes and be sensitive to light.

Albino Angelfish prefer tanks that are larger than 30 gallons. They also like plenty of room for swimming. However, they are easy to maintain and can grow to about 6-inches in length.

They love to hide behind rocks and driftwood, but it is important to not make the tank so cluttered that it stops free movement.

2.Black Lace Angelfish

Black Lace Angelfish
Image Credit: Public Domain Pictures

Black Lace Angelfish can be rarer than many other Angelfish, and they tend to be more expensive. This types of angelfish breed is not a fan of noise so they don’t enjoy loud music and main street apartments.

They are less aggressive than others and more relaxed than most of the other species. Black Lace Angelfish can also be sensitive to colder temperatures so a reliable heater is essential.

3.Black Veil Angelfish

black veil angelfish
Image Credit: Omariam, Shutterstock

The Black Veil Angelfish is slightly darker in color than the Black Lace Angelfish. Its fins get longer as it gets older and is tolerant to changes in temperature and pH.

It can live in both hard and soft water. This makes it one of the easiest Angelfish to keep. It is one of the most common Angelfish species, and you may have seen it before.

4.Blushing Angelfish

P.scalare.sunset blushing.neil916
P.scalare.sunset blushing.neil916 (Image Credit: Neil916, Wikimedia Commons CC SA 2.5 Generic)

Blushing Angelfish is a fish that has a predominantly white body and black fins. As it matures, it develops blue stripes.

This breed loves a tank with rock formations and driftwood. As long as the tank is large enough, it will be able to live peacefully with other fish. Blushing Angelfish are brightly colored and will be noticed in any home.

5.Clown Angelfish

The Clown Angelfish is a rare breed of Angelfish. It can be difficult to find one without putting in a lot of effort. This fish has a complex pattern that runs across their entire bodies that results in spots that are different sizes and shapes.

Clown angelfish are peaceful and easy to keep. These fish love an aquarium that has lots of vegetation and hiding places. They prefer tall plants over caves and rocks.

6.Ghost Angelfish


Ghost Angelfish are Angelfish with a stripeless gene that are not fanciful marked.

Ghost Angelfish come in a variety of colors, including light and dark. They are energetic and more aggressive than other species. As it ages, some Ghost Angelfish may show stripes.

7.Gold Angelfish

two gold angelfish
Image Credit: antos777, Shutterstock

The Gold Angelfish, a smaller-sized Angelfish that is naturally found in the Great Barrier Reef, can be found as a natural species. This breed is usually less than 4 inches in length and can be colored brown or reddish-orange.

Orange linings are found on all fins and lips. The eyes also have orange linings. You may also see vertical yellow lines. The Gold Angelfish is rarely seen in aquariums. They require tanks larger than 55-gallons.

8.Leopard Angelfish

leopard angelfish
Image Credit: Martin Belli, Shutterstock

Leopard Angelfish are very popular to keep at home. They have a distinctive spotted pattern and a blue gene that prevents the color from being visible until they are nearly fully grown. They can live up to ten years, and they can grow up to six inches in length.

9.Koi Angelfish

Koi Angelfish
Image Credit: chonlasub woravichan, Shutterstock

One of the most distinctive features of the Koi Angelfish is its black and white colors. Other colors are also available, such as orange and brown.

Every fish has a unique pattern. These fish are attracted to tanks that hold 30 gallons or more and water with a low pH.

10.Marble Angelfish

Marble Angelfish
Image Credit: Julian Popov, Shutterstock

Marble Angelfish are striking in their colors, which include black, white and yellow, with a marble pattern running across their bodies. The fins can reach beyond the body and are delicate and thin.

Marble Angelfish require at least 30-gallons water that is uncluttered and provides plenty of swimming space. Marble Angelfish are easily maintained and can grow up to six inches long.

11.Platinum Angelfish

group of Platinum angelfish
Image Credit: Supermop, Shutterstock

Platinum Angelfish are a rare species and only a handful of aquariums have them. The metallic scales have a shiny appearance and can sparkle as light reflects off of them.

These fish require tanks that hold at least 30 gallons. They also like to hide in the tank. You should be cautious about what fish you allow into their homes.

12.Smokey Angelfish


There are two types of Smokey Angelfish: regular and chocolate. They are almost identical, but the chocolate variety has a darker brown hue.

Smoky pigmentation typically begins in the middle of the dorsal Fin and can extend to the back of the fish. However, actual coverage may vary.

The original color might not be visible due to pigmentation. Also, the smokey color will not be symmetrical.

13.Zebra Angelfish

zebra angel fish
Image Credit: Songsak Pandet, Shutterstock

The Zebra Angelfish can grow to over 10 inches in length and is one of the largest Angelfish breeds. This breed is easily distinguished by its distinct appearance.

Females are light blue, with a black border covering their eyes. Black stripes are also found on the tails of females at the top and bottom.

The male Zebra angelfish is pale blue. It is similar to a Zebra Angelfish with its thin, dark stripes running vertically down the sides.

The Zebra Angelfish is different from other Angelfish, which mate for life and live in pairs. Instead of having one male leader who oversees a harem full of females, it has one.

The male will die and the female who is the highest ranking will become a male. Every Zebra Angelfish female is born a female. Only males are allowed to take his place.



If you have more than 30 gallons water, some plants and rocks, these breeds can be a great addition to your aquarium.

Blushing Angelfish and Black Veil Angelfish are gentle and easy to care for. These fish are great for beginners, but the Zebra Angelfish is a good choice for those with larger tanks.

We hope you enjoyed this look at these fish and that you found the best breed for you.

We are happy to help you find the perfect Angelfish for your aquarium. Please share these 13 most popular Angelfish types on Facebook and Twitter.

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