Whether you have adopted a new puppy or you’ve had dogs your whole life, there’s bound to be something in this list of caring for a dog / #dogcare tips that you didn’t know – but should.
This massive list of 39 tips for pet parents will be invaluable to me as someone who has worked in an animal hospital for over 10 years and a #doglover.
Dogs can make a great addition to any home. However, whether you are an experienced pet parent, or a new adopter, it is important to ensure your dog’s happiness and health. Here are some tips for dog owners.
Remember: Adoption is the best option if you are considering adopting a dog. To start your search, we encourage you to visit our Find Shelter page or browse our Adoptable Dogs Directory.
Here are some of the things you will find:
- Tips for dog health
- Housekeeping and dog-proofing
- Exercise and mental stimulation
- Bonding
- Training
- Winter care
- Summer care
- Dog safety
Dog Health Tips
1. Do not overfeed your dog. It will negatively impact their happiness and health.
A 50% of dogs in America are obese and this number is on the rise. Dogs who are overweight have a higher risk of developing metabolic abnormalities, heart disease, joint disease, and other health issues.
They are also less mobile and cannot run, play or do other activities as often as they would like. Do your pet a favor and give them the recommended amount. Don’t let their puppy dog eyes ask for more.
2. Touch the nose of your dog
The dog’s nose should feel moist. Dogs’ noses will feel moist depending on the season and how much moisture they have. However, a healthy dog will feel cool and slightly wet because dogs sweat through their noses to cool off.
3. Annual vet visits
Regularly have your dog examined by experts to check for health problems and provide you with personalized information that will help to ensure your pet is healthy for many years to come.
4. Create a “pet first-aid” kit
It is possible for an emergency to occur and you need to be prepared. This is particularly important if your dog goes hiking or camping and you are not able to help. DIY pet first aid kit is something every dog parent should have.
5. Get pet insurance
Unexpected and emergency illnesses and accidents can often run up to $1500. This can quickly become a financial burden as as many as a quarter of all pets require emergency care every year. Pet insurance is an important investment that can cover unexpected costs and long-term health conditions.
Tips to Take Care of Your Dog
- PROVIDES A CLEAN AND PROTECTED LIVING ENVIRONMENT TO YOUR DOG. Good hygiene and shelter from the elements are essential to a healthy life.
- Always have fresh water available. Hydration is essential for your health and your energy.
- PREVENT OBESITY BY FEEDING A QUALITY DIET. Both humans and animals who are overweight can have adverse effects on their health.
- Your veterinarian will recommend dietary changes based on your dog’s size, age, activity level, and breed. As rewards, give your dog healthy treats and not table scraps.
- HAVE YOUR PET EXAMINED BY A VETERINARIAN ON A REGULAR BASIS. The information you need about vaccinations, deworming, and parasite control will be provided by your veterinarian.
- You should keep a copy your pet’s vaccination records with you at all times, and bring it along when you travel. If your pet is ill or injured, contact your veterinarian immediately. Your veterinarian will be able to keep your dog healthy. You can work together as a team.
- MANY OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE TO DO EXERCISE. Make certain your dog is getting the exercise it needs. Your dog will be more able to participate in the activities it loves if it is in good shape.
- DELIGHT IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR DOG BY COMMUNICATION. Dogs are social creatures, and need to be able to communicate with their owners.
- Spending quality time with your dog will allow you to get to know it and help you recognize signs that your dog might be suffering from an illness. It will also help to prevent undesirable behavior patterns by spending time with your dog.
- TEACH YOUR DOG TO USE THE SIMPLE COMMANDS. Training classes for dogs and puppies can be extremely helpful. Your dog’s ability to follow basic commands will increase the likelihood of a long and happy life.
- PRACTICE REPRODUCTIVE COOL. Spaying or neutering your dog is an option if you don’t intend to have puppies.
- You should take the necessary precautions to avoid mis-mating your dog if you intend to breed it or if you are against spaying or neutering. Talk to your veterinarian about other options.
- DENTAL CUTTING IS VERY IMPORTANT. Gum disease can be a serious problem in many breeds. This condition can lead to tooth loss and infection in the major organs.
- DO NOT OVERLOOK NAIL TRIMMING AND GROOMING. Dogs with long hair are more likely to develop matts or ice balls.
- Senior dogs can have more difficulty walking due to overgrown nails. These nails can also be more susceptible to breaking, which can cause severe pain.
6. Brush your dog’s Teeth
Please avoiding expensive dental treatments in the future. A normal routine and make sure to use a toothpaste made specifically for dogs. You can make teeth brushing fun for your pet with a little time and some training.
7. Prepare an emergency plan
Although it is not something you want to think about, it is important to have a plan in place for your dog should any unfortunate events occur.
Important information about your dog’s lifestyle including how often they’re fed, how much they’re fed, medications, their vet’s phone number, etc.
This list should be given to anyone in your life who could care for your dog in an emergency. Ask around to see if there are any people in your area who could assist your dog quickly.
8. Play with Purpose
Playing with your dog is a great way to get to know them. Positive play experiences such as touching your dog’s feet, toes, and nails will help you to get rid of their aversion to having these areas touched when it comes time to trim their nails.
Your vet will be able to easily examine your dog’s ears and mouth if you get them used to this method. Your vet will find it easier to examine your dog.
Housekeeping and Dog-proofing
9. Secure your trash
The risk of ingesting toxic substances or foreign objects could result in costly emergency surgery.
10. Give your dog a safe space
A temperate space in your home should be set up with a blanket or blanket for your dog, toys and a water bowl.
This will allow your dog to feel safe and take short naps throughout the day. This will help your dog self-soothe in stressful situations like thunderstorms, baby crying, parties, and so on.
We rescue puppy or when joining your family, keeping their crate open and available even after they no longer need it for training may provide them with a perfect place just for them that they’ll love to have.
Dog Supply Checklist
- High-quality dog food and treats
- Delicious food
- Water bowl
- Toys, toys, and more toys, as well as safe chew toys
- For grooming, brush & comb with a flea comb
- Collar with ID tag and license
- Leash
- Carrier (for smaller dogs)
- Training crate
- Warm blanket or towel for dog bed, box or bed
- Dog toothbrush
11. Keep your household toxic substances locked up
Keep your dog away from household chemicals like cleaners and pesticides. Some dogs are very clever and can get under the sink or in the garage. To seal cabinets containing toxic substances, use baby proof locks.
12. Wash your dog’s belongings regularly
Your dog’s blankets, soft toys and bedding can become contaminated with germs, dirt, pollen and other contaminants.
To keep your dog’s bedding, soft toys, and blankets clean, make sure they are washed at least once a week. This can help reduce the amount of pollen in your dog’s environment if they have seasonal allergies.
13. Keep your dog away from human food
Dogs can be poisoned by many human foods such as onions, chocolate, avocados and avocados. Avoid human food and chewing gum, as they can contain xylitol, which is a sugar-like substance that is toxic to dogs.
Your veterinarian may recommend that you do not feed your dog any human food. Your vet may recommend some human foods such as plain chicken, canned pumpkin, and plain rice for certain reasons, such as diarrhea or digestive upset.
These situations may call for “human food”, but your dog doesn’t have to eat all of your leftovers or lick the plate.
Dog Exercise and Mental Stimulation of Dog
14. Walking your dog is good for their happiness and health.
Walking your dog regularly can provide many benefits, such as reducing boredom, improving their digestion, helping to maintain a healthy weight and burning excess energy. You may notice a decrease in bad behavior, such as chewing, barking, or digging.
15. Add variety to your life to combat boredom
You can break up your dog’s routine by taking them on extra walks and outings. For a change of scenery, take them to a dog friendly place or drive-in. mentally stimulated.
16. Challenge your dog mentally
Dogs need mental stimulation just like humans. Cesar’s Way to keep them engaged. Puzzle toys are a great way to keep your dog entertained when you’re not available.
PRO TIP This is especially important when social-distancing your dog.
17. A super-eating person can slow down.
Your dog or puppy may have stomach problems or upsets, which could lead to vomiting. It is easy to slow down your dog’s food intake. You can buy a puzzle feeder at a pet shop or online.
A cheaper and easier solution is to place a large tennisball in the bowl. The ball and the puzzle toy work in the same way, so your dog will have to find a way to get their food.
18. Exercise together
To exercise with your doggy there is an easy way to climb stairs with your dogs, or take them on an adventurous hike. Exercise will bring you both joy and make you both have fun.
Bonding with Dog
19. Be a friend of your dog
Dogs thrive on love and affection. Spend time with your dog and family. Play with them and give them treats and attention.
20. Be patient with them
Although it can be frustrating when your dog doesn’t understand a training method or acts out, they will be more likely continue to try. You can take a break from training if you feel frustrated. Dogs can read our body language very well and will not respond to training if we are angry or tense.
21. Hang out with them while they eat
Dogs are pack animals by nature and you are their pack. Keep your dog close to you when they eat, and make it a regular communal activity. You might find picky eaters more interested in your food if you show them interest.
Dog Training
22. Applaud your pet when they successfully relieve themselves outside
Potty training can be difficult, especially with stubborn dog breeds. When your dog goes outside to do their business, cheer them on and applaud them. They’ll be eager to continue doing this until it becomes a routine.
Dogs who are still learning how to house-train should bring treats with them. Reward your dog immediately after they have finished peeing or pooping where you approve.
It will be much easier to housebreak your dog if you do this consistently, including after every meal and every 4 hours.
23. Training should be a sport
You can change the rewards, praise, and treats. You’ll have better results if your dog views training as a fun game and not something that they must be scolded for. This may lead to your dog responding better to different rewards.
Positive behavior should be rewarded with treats, clickers, praise, pets and/or verbal praise. Negative behavior should be ignored.
They will soon learn that if you want to reward them, they must comply with your request.
24. Consistent training is crucial
The “house rules” for your dog are and stick with them! Your dog should be allowed to sit on the furniture and in the home, as well as around the family during mealtime.
To avoid confusion, stick to the same training rules and commands when training your dog. To avoid confusion and bad behavior, make sure everyone in your family is on the same page.
25. Correct bad behavior immediately
Dogs are quick to forget and will not associate the scolding with bad behavior if it is five minutes later.
Only reprimand them if they are caught in the act. To encourage repeat behavior, give your dog positive feedback immediately and reward them for good behavior.
Winter Dog Care Tips
26. Moisturize your dog’s paws
The dry weather in cold temperatures can cause cracks in your dog’s paws. You can help your dog’s paws feel more comfortable by applying pad moisturizers topically.
27. Their time spent outside should be limited
Frostbite is a common condition in dogs, particularly around their ears and paws. Dogs naturally chilly weather. If you feel cold, bring your dog in with you.
28. Beware of ice and winter salt
Your dog’s paw pads can become damaged by ice or winter salt from sidewalks. After any outdoor activity, wipe your dog’s paws clean and make sure they don’t eat salt from the ground or lick it.
To protect their sensitive feet and prevent them from getting hurt, invest in a pair dog boots. You can also use them to make pet safe salt for your driveway and walkways. The salt is safe for pets’ feet and non-toxic.
29. Consider getting your dog a sweater
Although many dogs have thick fur that keeps them warm in cold months, not all can. Hypothermia can happen to any dog.
Depending on your location and the breed of your dog, a sweater or coat may be beneficial for your dog in winter.
Hypothermia symptoms include rapid breathing, shivering, rapid breathing and ears and feet feeling cold.
Dogs love sweaters and winter coats. They’ll be more comfortable for winter playtime, look cute, and they’ll be warmer.
Tips for Summer Care of Dog
30. Keep your dog cool
Dogs don’t sweat like us. Dogs don’t sweat all over like humans. Instead, they sweat through the pads of their paws and use panting to release heat.
Your dogs should have shade. This will allow them to enjoy the outdoors during warmer months. To prevent heat stroke, stress and dehydration, keep an eye on them in hot weather. You can find out more.
31. They should have access to water at all times
Dogs can become extremely ill from dehydration, which can occur quickly. Your dog should have easy access to water, both indoors or outdoors, throughout the day.
Pay attention to any signs that your dog is losing interest in eating or panting. If you observe any unusual behavior in your dog’s heat waves, make sure to contact your vet immediately.
32. Avoid toxic algae
It can be harmful and in some cases fatal for dogs. While it’s tempting for dogs to enjoy the summer heat at the lake or pond, they should always consult their local Parks and Recreation department to ensure that there are no environmental warnings regarding toxic algae, water treatment or pesticides within the water.
33. Watch their feet
Hot surfaces can cause heat burns to the paw pads of dogs. Your dog shouldn’t be allowed to walk on hot surfaces if you are unable to comfortably place your hand or foot on hot ground. If this happens, you should choose grass, dirt, and covered paths for your dog’s outing.
34. Never leave your dog in the car
Your dog can become seriously ill or even die quickly if the car’s interior temperature is too high. You should never leave your dog unsupervised in your car.
Even if the windows are closed, they could easily become heatstroke victims. Even though it is only 70 degrees outside, your car can reach 100 degrees within 20 minutes. In the summer, cars can reach fatal temperature within minutes.
Dog Safety
35. Never let your dog ride in the back of your truck
Each year, approximately 100,000 dogs are killed by riding on the truck’s flatbed. This could be from being hit by debris or falling out of the truck bed.
These figures do not include the many other animals that are injured by vehicles of different types. Your dog should be kept inside your car, and ideally in a secure place.
You can keep your dog safe in a carrier or crate depending on their size and temperament. You can also buy your dog a seat belt attachment to secure them in their seat.
This will attach directly to the harness. You can always ask your veterinarian for advice on where your dog is most comfortable riding in the car.
36. Keep an ID tag on your dog at all times
Until you are separated from your dog, you will never realize how important an ID tag really is. Make sure to include your phone number, the dog’s name and your vet’s number on an ID tag. This information should be kept current.
37. Microchip your dog
Dogs can become loose from their collars due to accidents. A veterinary hospital, animal shelter or veterinary clinic will scan your dog for microchips if it is lost.
If the microchip is present, they can also look up your information and contact you. If your dog is stolen, a microchip can prove ownership. They are easy to use and cost as little as a vaccine.
38. Keep your dog on a leash at all times when in public
Even the most loyal dog can run away from a human or another animal, even if it is not being trained to do so. To avoid your dog getting hurt or losing him, keep him leashed when you are out and about.
39. Consult your veterinarian before trying new foods or medications
If you don’t follow the instructions of your veterinarian, changes in diet or medication can lead to serious health problems for your pet.
Your pet is your best friend and you want to provide the best nutrition, supplements, and medical care. It is best to discuss with your vet any changes you would like to make and the reasons.
Your vet can ensure you have a safe plan and product, and note any changes in your pet’s medical records.
In the unlikely event that your dog becomes sick or hurt, your vet will be able to provide the most current information about your pet’s health and lifestyle.
Take Care of your Dog
Your dog’s health is a key aspect of your support and love.
Pet insurance is a great way to protect your dog from financial loss if they get hurt or become ill. There’s nothing worse than not having the funds to treat your animal.
There are so many options for pet insurance. Check marketplace allows you to compare plans and receive personalized guidance.
Knowledge is Power, Conclusion : Read up And Learn as much as Possible about your DOG’S BREED SPECIFICALLY, AND ABOUT RAISING, TRAINING AND LIVING WITH DOGS, IN GENERAL. The more you know, the easier it will be to provide a safe and enjoyable home for your dog.